When you come at the king, you best not have your ratio inverted.

12  2019-09-26 by CheckYourRatioChild


u/patrickstomlinson I like the 42,200 : 15 ratio on your pinned Tweet, my sweet cucumber melon body cream child.

15 upvotes in 58 minutes! The analytics of this reddit comment are insane! Consider yourself lapped, child.

5 grand for fake points.

He could have spent a romantic week visiting Treblinka for that price.

But not for joint custody of your only child.

”On MY timeline” Twitter is this guys entire source of well being. I look forward to reading the next essay he publishes when he inevitably get him banned again

I just hope we play a part in it. The hate for him has grown far outside of this sub.

What the fuck is he talking about? Wouldn't 4:1 inverted be 1:4?

Blocked, child!

I thought that too but decided it would be unfair to mock someone out of academic snobbery. I'm sure Waukesha County Technical College is a fine institution.

He's a fool, you see.

You'd think losing all his followers and Twitter account would have humbled him. He's such a goddamn piece of shit. But really, our work is done here. Now any random person who finds his Twitter instantly hates him and shits on him. Half of them are from his own party.

It really is mind-blowing how loathesome he is on Twitter. I saw some Indian kid politely disagree with his Thunberg tweet, first saying how much he likes Pat's books, and Patso called him an idiot/nazi/whatever until the kid replied that he was really disappointed to have made contact.

Great business model, astrotard.

That timeline is our's, fatty. We're just letting you use it for a little bit until your next ban.

It's hilarious how paranoid he is that every person who hates him must be from here.

Fake internet points make you a real tough guy.

Just a fat asshole and a faggot.

I genuinely think if Fats Tomlinson was bullied to suicide it would be a net gain for humanity. For starters no more snarky, delusional tweets poisoning adult debate. No more trees being cut down to make his terrible books. Women, children and the disabled could once again feel safe walking the streets of Wisconsin freed from his leering sexual threat.