Why did he get a pass for so long?

6  2019-09-26 by Brotherman_1


he got a weekend pass once or twice.

He got a pass? We laid a velvet carpet up to the doors of a mental institution

Probably still there.

They look like the same person at different ages

Jewpers. That's a Looper (digitech) but Jewish.

Is that the dad he discredited and mocked because he had the audacity to care about his well-being?

Muppets made by an anti-Semite.

I got hep c from looking at this pic. Thanks a lot.

I wonder how many times Ant and Danny took turns licking each other's cum out of our little deep throat, Melissa.

There’s something about Jews... You can almost see the evil in their eyes.

Because you fags sucked his little kike cock every time he gave a meaningless, unverifiable tidbit about Anthony. Kinda like your fake gay sucking up to Opie.

I can proudly say I've been abusive to Ben Dovid from day 1.

Settle down Joe.


100% agree with you. He’d still be turning his head to minors getting molested if Anthony still wanted him around.

Jaundiced creep.