Reminder part 2

24  2019-09-26 by Mintwa


Disturbingly specific rape example he used there. Thank god the courts ordered that Pat have no contact with Jonathan’s daughter.

Why would he even type this out?

  1. It reminds people of this fucked up relationship, that any normal person would be ashamed of.

  2. Why would anyone use their own child in this type of hypothetical? Unless you’re trying to empathize with a specific situation, people aren’t this psychotic.

Yeah most parents don't like to conjure the thought of their kids being hurt.

An actual tough guy 😅

He copied this analogy from other articles that compare rape of an adult to abortion. So he threw in his own child to make the point extra painful. The dumbshit is too lazy to google that child rape is automatically a Class A state felony in AL same as the abortion Class A state felony. His entire premise is bullshit cooked up to show more phony outrage. If he had fought for his daughter in court he might have learned a thing or two about law.

"If you disagree with my opinion don't dare to speak to anyone else ever again."

Who the fuck does this soft faggot think he is?

The world's shittiest superhero

Look, up in the sky!

Is it a blimp? No! Is it a large, sweaty meteor taking a selfie like a thirteen year old girl? No!

It's Cuckold Man! And he's finally decided to kill himself by jumping out a window!

The gyro we feed.

he thinks he's fudge, curry, and double-cheeseburger.

TLDR Patrick wants his daughter to be able to get an abortion, if she was violently raped and impregnated. And that’s why his ex-wife has sole custody.

And people were complaining about the Pat posts. He is GOLD. In an awful way

That man he fantasizes about and announces to be involved in a very real, hypothetical future scenario is he himself, isn't it?

  1. legally not allowed to spend time with his daughter
  2. brings up her getting raped
  3. is a faggot
  4. is fat
  5. Edits: so that people might not think it's weird that his hypothetical involves his daughter getting raped... who he is legally not allowed to see

Conclusion: is retarded and a degenerate faggot who thinks he's above everyone else.

Hi, titbiggers!

Just stopping by to offer you a robot hug and to wish you well!


How reassuring to know you're on daddy's mind.

I'll bet he got some unfriends with this one.

"Never DARE speak to me again!"

Pat, this is an example of why we think you're a dramatic old queer. You concoct this awful situation, then say well it wouldn't actually happen like this BUT IT WILL! There's nothing to support your doom laden prophecy, it's just the booze-fuelled ramblings of a "professional" fantasist.

I don't like that he fantasizes about his little girl getting a penis violently forced inside her. He's a sick, sick guy.

this is a repulsive lie, he only fantasizes about killing the unborn child that comes about from it, sweet nothing!

People who speak in absolutes are typically the dumbest. As such a scholarly braut receptical I would have thought fatzo would know that.

I'm glad he mentioned it was hypothetical. He legally doesn't have a daughter. Signed his parental rights away because being a manchild is more important.

I think the common thread of everyone we destroy here is that they have massive egos. This sub is actually a pretty zen place when you break it down.

I've never seen him post something about his daughter that is a positive. It's either her getting raped or him on the verge of suicide.

What a deranged fat person.

Oh hey, a creepy, dorky guy with a very outspoken feminist viewpoint that secretly sends pervy emails to female acquaintances. Truly a tale as old as time.


Projecting his fap fantasies. What a sicko

Really shows his priorities that he would even type something out like that as a hypothetical just to score more leftist political points.