Shit on Norton’s selfie obsession all you want but it’s pretty sweet he was able to grab one with Farley before the end.

44  2019-09-26 by IronCock_


The Garthock is motherfucking me.

Niggas ribs


I need to watch coneheads again.

It had a lot of genuinely good moments. I think it was a Bonnie and Terry Turner joint, when they were doing Lorne Michaels films (like Wayne's World 2), pre-That 70's Show.

No no no. Look, Jimmy explained it to you. Things aren’t funny unless they involve “edgy” humor. Like if Chris were to ask the conehead how many time she got shit in her cunt and how many times she was turtling the shit out of her ass into his mouth or on his chest or if she fisted herself and let the dog lick peanut butter off of her period blood stained pussy. Fluids and insertion. Anything without those things isn’t funny.

That's celebrity political firebrand, Pat Tomlinson

For a bald chick with a pointy head, she's really hot. The beefers alone...

“You... you ‘member when you were still funny? Yeah.... that was awesome.”