ATTN: Vice, Vox, Buzzfeed, Jezebel and all other publications: The newest white supremacist dogwhistle is referring to non-whites as "child"

42  2019-09-26 by AnthonyCumiaPedo

This trend has roots that have been traced back to white supremacist, neo-nazi, and pro-KKK discussion hubs as well as alt-right messageboards and imageboards. The general understand is to embrace the casual racism of the Jim Crow days, in which black men were derogatorily referred to as "boy", by calling non-whites "child".

Since there are racist overtones to "boy" but not "child", it can be used to bring down any non-white "child", from transsexuals to black women to natives, anyone that you don't believe to be a pure Aryan. What we've noticed is a tendency to continue this insult. If a POC says they're uncomfortable being called a "child", the white supremacist will continue to call them "child" until the POC is silenced.

This is a clear attempt to say that straight white men are the "adults" of modern society while everyone else are "children", incapable of making their own decisions and having to be led through life by the "adults". Please spread the word around so your readers will recognize the dog whistle when they encounter it in the wild.


All in

This is good, I like this angle


Upvoting every time I see this until it becomes reality.

This needs an urban dictionary entry to help spread awareness.

I just submitted one


Fuck it, it got rejected. I'm not sure how to type this up so it gets past the edgy teenagers who vote on what goes up.

I've seen that many times on twitter and even here on reddit, so it's crossing multiple platforms. Always white conservative men who brag about owning guns and beating women.