Seems like an Indian outsiders shared a meme from the Patposting community at the end of the thread. Nice if true.

7  2019-09-26 by ThomasRPatlinson


And all of this fake Internet Twitter shit will bring in Zero Dollars for Fatty. His other posts get minimal interaction. He’s a hateable, boorish nincompoop.

Somebody made fun of his stickied post from a day ago only having 15 likes while he has 40k followers.

Not Indian, my mistake.

Here the links he posted:

And of course this one:

It's suspicious, but I really want to believe it to be true.

All Fatrick values is his twitter. It will be all the more glorious when we take it from him.

If only his daughter felt so valued.

He’s really patting himself on the back for ONE tweet. It’s twitter which real people don’t give a shit about. Got a bunch of views? Everybody forgot what it was and have moved on to the next thing. Twitter has the smallest attention span, child.

And look at that, he’s still a fat vagina

9.2 million impressions. 285k likes. 20k profile views.

300 new followers. His book went from 1 million + on the best sellers to somewhere in the 700000 range. I think maybe it sold 100 copies.

He might have made $300 from that tweet. Probably the most books he's sold at one time, ever.

Meanwhile Niki probably makes more than that every day and she's sitting there pretending to be proud of him for making an average day's pay for the first time in 2019.