'OK' is now a hate symbol, the ADL says - uh oh pat

11  2019-09-26 by therealstinks


The ADL added that symbol along with several others on Thursday to its long-standing database of slogans and symbols used by extremists.

This limp-wristed faggotry doesn’t even anger me anymore, it’s just pathetic at this point. I don’t even need to see the kind of people that sit around debating whether they should add an emoji to this database, I know what they are. “Yaah - it’s like a hate symbol, like soo facist. ”

Could the ADL be anymore of a joke? They are just now declaring the happy merchant photo anti jew. Wow.

Don’t forget, this Zionist group started after a Jewish factory owner raped and murdered a 14 year old white girl and tried to blame it on a black janitor.

They also said having a bowl haircut is a hate symbol.

Do you hear that, anyone with down syndrome? Your bigotry will not be tolerated!

The owner of the Raiders is going to be bummed.

Same with all Asian children.

Moe Howard was a Nazi, child.

Looks like we need to spread that picture of him doing that around.