I'm just an actual tough guy, Child.

29  2019-09-26 by BigAppleRanchRep


Does he not own a mirror? How does he leave the house with his hair looking like that? I don’t understand people who have zero concern for their appearance.


Alcoholism must run in his family. There’s no way his mother didn’t drink when she pregnant with him.

She sure drank after she had him, child. Not enough booze in the world to ease the pain of creating Patrick.

A single coat hanger could have saved us from all of this horseshit.

Would you A) let a Pat embryo burn in a fire or B) Save a thousand negro 7 year olds?

This nigga's got a straight up pin head. Freak show ass mother fucker.

If your head was shaped in such a way, why the fuck would you ever get a haircut like that? It's fucking crazy. He might not be able to do anything about the bizarre shape of his head, but he could at the very least not put time and effort into accentuating it.