Fat Pat got me banned for "involuntary pornography"

14  2019-09-26 by RoeCumia

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Your account has been permanently suspended from Reddit for involuntary pornography.

Link to reported content: https://www.reddit.com/r/OpieRadio/comments/d9h350

Do not post images or videos depicting any person in a state of nudity or engaged in any act of sexual conduct apparently created or posted without their permission, including depictions that have been faked. Photos or videos of anyone’s intimate parts, whether clothed or in public or not are also strictly prohibited.

Please note that returning to Reddit using another account with the same motive is considered a violation of our rules against ban evasion, and will result in the suspension of new accounts. If you haven’t already, please look through our User Agreement and Content Policy in order to better understand what behavior is acceptable on Reddit.

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Ban evasion, the most serious of crimes. That last paragraph really makes no sense. Coming back to reddit after you've been banned is against our rules, but be sure to read up on them any ways, even though you are forbidden from making a new account.

All this says to me is to continue to post and send Fatrick that picture of him sucking Trump's dick.

He challenges random boomers to fights on Twitter, but the two times I take him up on it on leddit, he got my accounts banned for posting "violent content".

Wow, it's almost as if he's a giant shit-talking coward who knows exactly how it'd go if he ran is mouth in real life and not from behind his keyboard.

Child, I’ll fuck you like all those kids at nambla camp.

How to delete reddit post?

He got me banned for violence when I repeated his own words

Hes on Reddit right now he posted a thread on his Instagram Lmfao

How do I make it onto an influential author and political pundit's Instagram? I wanna be the jesus in this last supper!!!!!

Lmao are you blocked?

It's great how the picture is still up though Haha.

Rise again nigga

Pat, all of your pictures are involuntary pornography. I masturbate to all of them. By the final strokes my face is usually contorted like your face in those fun run pictures, but I always get there.

Child, your fantasies only engorge my micropenis.