Is there anyway we can get Trump to imprison Fatrick?

12  2019-09-26 by crat33

That would be a hoot!


Sweaty Fatrick Tomlinson looked disgusting--nipples protruding-- when he cheated and cut in the Milwaukee Brewers marathon. Very very disrespectful

fucking hilarious! this is the funny as hell content i come to this sub for

Here's your last 10 hilarious posts:

10) fucking hilarious! this is the funny as hell content i come to this sub for

9) you can just scroll past the posts you don't want to read lolololoolol

8) you absolutely know it wouldnt had died down with time. it went on for 10 months before the sub shut down. And as seen here in just a day you people cannot be trusted and why he did what he had to do.

7) tell us how you really feel!

6) this shocks you.

5) thats cute. you think im joe, anthony or whoever else pops into your empty skull for the day.

its sad when autists want something to be so true, but yet so incorrect.

4) pat posting was banned to keep you retards in containment.

3) Yeah I am sure Joe - who has gotten the last 20 subs shut down is going to care about not getting attention you insane psychotic retards.

2) this is the best thing to happen to joe recently. for every joe post theres 20 pat posts overtaking them. there is a reason this sub is still up.

10) ya these dumb faggots think its safe to set up shop here just cause the subs been up for an entire day

Thanks for the sucks, schmuck. Now go home and get ya fuckin' whinebox.

are you good, fella?

fucking hilarious! this is the funny as hell content i come to this sub for

Its good to keep things light hearted you know? a good chuckle.

And please learn to count correctly to the number 10... I would say patrick is correct in labeling you as a child if it wasn't for the fact that children can count correctly.

Phone auto corrected 1 to 10, but you're right, that totally negates the fact that you're a humorless fuck that provides nothing but constantly bitching.

game recognize game

What a bore.

Nice alt, stupid.

Quit while you're embarrassingly behind.

You're thinking big, I like it!

He's gonna be exposed as a sex-creep soon, so we'll see how far that goes.

We could make bragging illegal