This guy ate fried chicken for dessert and people are shocked he died?

5  2019-09-26 by Sergeant_Joseph_Spud



Live fat die fast.

Word is he sprinkled cocaine on his wings as a topping.

Should have done it cheeseburgers.

cackling at Patrice upstairs waiting on Vos and Keith.

That cocaine did him in

Niggas can balloon up to 600 lbs my dude

That cocaine did him in

Niggas can balloon up to 272.2 kilograms my dude

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Fat Nigger Pedophiles like /u/PatrickSTomlinson can balloon up to 900 lbs my brotherman

Fat Nigger Pedophiles like /u/PatrickSTomlinson can balloon up to 408.2 kilograms my brotherman

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good bot