I think he's finally snapped.

21  2019-09-26 by ThePepsiColaRapist


I hope somebody kept that screenshot of him calling a Jewish guy a nazi and the Jewish guy telling him that his grandma or somebody had been in a concentration camp and he had been to many of them himself etc, etc, and then Pat just doubled down and said something asinine like "well I went to Dachau child" even though he already said that in the first post. What a dud.

Got it saved


I saw you brought ol Frank Black out in cold sweats the other day.

Who is Frank Black?

Patrick's enforcer. He goes by sarcastic tweeter or some shit on Twitter.

Oh. I wouldn't know he blocked me like his hero and docking partner.

He was accusing some random guy of being you.


I have my own cyber stalker now? Can I use that for those precious victim bucks?

Sure can! He once threatened the old sub that he would come for all of us. I think he maybe responsible for the collection of IP addresses as he is a bit of computer whiz kid.

Damn I better watch my back! Wouldn't want a "Occasional Chicken Wrangler" to come after me. Also nice new term for chickenhawk, stupid.

Hero, indeed. That fat idiot made himself look like an even fatter idiot during that exchange. But then again, he went to Dachau, so what do I know?

Can you hook me up in a private messsage? I seem to only have half of the argument saved.

Holy fuck that thread is funny

I hope the evil Trump regime is preparing pudgy Pat's pink triangle badge and mass grave for one as we speak

Why is he making a big deal about being at Dachau? It’s a fucking tourist attraction that millions of people have been to.

the rollercoaster at Dachau sucks

Pat is peak flyover rube.

He really is.

He said kiddo. We have forced him to expand his vocabulary

That's one of my favorite things about this. How he quietly modifies his language and word choice based on our criticism. It shows us two things: firstly that he is reading everything we write and secondly that we are having a clear, demonstrable impact on how he conducts himself. We are able to influence him and modify his behaviors by typing stuff into our phones while we shit or are on our cigarette break at Panera.

Nice try at blocking me and running away, weasel. Be sure to get back to us when the presidential elections are cancelled, nutbag. Learn how to debate and quit being a chickenshit, snowflake.

People devote their entire lives to studying Germany from 1880 to 1945, or the rise of Stalin. They spend years of their life and thousands of dollars on degree's to study this stuff as a career and speak as experts. There are 100s probably thousands of books on the subject. This completely delusional cock sucker thinks that a one hour trip to a holocaust museum makes him the undisputed expert. You cannot reason with someone who thinks like this.

can I have proof that elections are cancelled

You should read more, child.

I fucking hate this faggot so much

He talks about his visit to Dachau as if he is actually a Holocaust survivor. You'd be a lot skinnier if you were at one of the camps fatso, and visiting a place doesn't make you an expert on anything

I mean I’m no fan of Trump but dear god this is inaccurate. How dumb is this guy? He does seem to be losing it a bit but I’m sure he isn’t the only one who started acting like this once Trump got into office.

He is a radical left wing idiot that believes we are in a police state. Patso is more of a retarded faggot than we thought.

Wrong, child. I have been to Trump Tower and ergo know everything about President Trump, little one.

Someone bring up that he dropped out of state university

He is like what rachel dolezal is to blacks as he is to jews.