I remember an Opie and Anthony sub where for years, photo shopping a giant set of tits and a bald spot on a picture of Opie was the epitome of hilarious.

53  2019-09-26 by DiaperHuffingAdmin

The sub has always been full of retards beating a dead horse. It's stayed entertaining because it will always be funny to photoshop dicks in to the mouths of people who get genuinely upset about it. More importantly, the butthurt faggots who cry and bitch and moan and say "STAHP TALKIN ABOUT X IT ISN'T EVEN FUNNI AN DOESN'T HAVE TA DO WITH THA SHOW! MODS, DELETE THIS!" have never been funny. Either blindly participate in ganging up on D list celebrities or don't, you hysterical fucking faggots. Next time you think about rage posting because you don't think it's funny that the sub is going after someone, just make up a baseless pedophilia accusation against that person instead. Hit send. See how you feel, it's good for your soul.


I see your point

Hashtag Where's The Beefers?

I couldnt believe how long we dragged out the Dassa Besso puns. After day 7 I was like, there can only be a finite amount of words that rhyme right? Good lord

You act like you’re not around the elite of beating a deadhorso.

Remember the long lasting hilarity that was "teft".


I remember when every other comment was a Chip reference.

Tsst that was fawkin huma

tss tss what were they makin jokes about lays and fritos or sumfin?

Right before VapeThiefEdge got trolled into locking the sub it was nothing but obsessive "Fatrick" shit and Beefers and Dumpers. It was being ruined before it was killed completely. If you don't want it to be Opie & Anthony related anymore, don't pretend hijacking a majority group who are here for that isn't being done. Because that's what's being done.

Get me an invite to your namesake and I'll never speak of Pat again. My karaoke rendition of Jailbait will get me on the frequent guest list.

I'm actually curious. What would you like the sub to be? What would have prevented the great BEEFER and FAGGOT drought of 2018?

Then leave nigger.

The sub has passed you by.

I guess you forgot to laugh.

The "majority" participates in Pat posting, it's pretty obvious from every sub we've had that allowed Pat posting.You're being ridiculous. Quit trying to speak for everyone, YOU don't like Patrick posts. Not them. Just because you had Pat posts removed on your subs, that doesn't mean it went away or people didn't like it.

This is why I find this sub so amusing. It's always about the bit, nothing else matters. There's no ego here, you're either laughing at the bit or you aren't. It's why Joe is so consistently amusing too. He doesn't understand that it's not about some individual sub member trying to impress the others with their dedication or an actual individual person trying to "win" by "taking him down". It's all about the bit and the madder he gets the funnier it becomes.


I remember after we hit 6000 subs on the OG sub we jumped over to /r/SiriusXM to complain about the lack of a visual element.

And I have never once minded when the sub has went on a tangent. The only thing I have ever hated is when mods get gay and remove stuff.

Even if there is a tangent I’m not laughing at, I know that tomorrow there will either be a new one or an old friend will do something stupid.

you bring up some very good points.

Patrick posts are the modern day equivalent of Chip posts.

They’ve evolved!


oh hee hah ho hee ho. oh my ribs.

also, opie is an active pedophile

I notice the black one is smaller than the white ones. I also noticed that the peni are all small, like a child's. What would have to overcome you to draw something like this Ichise? What lifetime of supressed pedophilic urges would have to be boiling just under the surface, before they come exploding out in a drawing like this? What are you hiding you CHILD fucking RACIST?!?!

The best thing about this sub is how nobody would get along in a real life scenario. I would never want to be around any of you because you’re most likely a loser, or a faggot, or a complete asshole.

Mutual hate towards others is the only thing holding this sub together and that’s the way it should be.

The moment this place becomes friendly and buddy-buddy without the context of mutual hate, it’ll finally be over.


I’d rather drink bleach over meeting any of you fat fucks out in public

Remember that whole week or two where there was nothing but "FAGGOT" posts? Good times. Can't believe we've been doing this for a couple of years now. Jesus.

baldopie, dassabesso, norton’s arms, and everything else is still funny. I am already smiling just thinking about it.

there are no rules, if it’s still funny to you, then that’s it.

Man those crazy arm GIFs was the besso.

It's not like overusing the same tired joke has anything to do with O&A. AIDS. Trannies. T-Cells.

Toe-trigger attachment! TRANNY HOOKERS!