Joe Cumia really doesn’t like when you mention how he abandoned Mommy

26  2019-09-26 by McDowellsInc

The way Joe abandoned his mother during her most trying time is a true reflection of his character. He loves to boast of his military service and family loyalty, but when the going got tough he ran and hid. Tough guy Joe would desert his brother in arms at the first moment of discomfort. If you’re unable to care for your mother at her most vulnerable, you are scum.

u/DOXXER100 comment?

I will remind you daily


She must have been so frightened and- during lucid times - so alone.

Then perhaps they should refrain from oversharing. I mean why does anyone hear know of Moo Man and his ridiculous bovine antics? Mainly because he never shuts the fuck up about himself, that's why. People like Breasteses want to use social media to endlessly gloat and promote themselves as personalities, but when other people negatively respond to those personalities they don't pull back, they double down and pretend it's really about their warped vision of what they think "free speech" means.

The funny thing about the grazer (and Nana too) is that they think the paragraph above describes their trolls and not themselves. Joe seems to believe this is happening because "we" seek to impress one another with our hilarious and witty online personas. He doesn't understand that it's the other way around. We're laughing at his attempt to create an online persona for himself just because we think it's funny, we have no interest in becoming personalities prancing on social media for praise and envy. Until he (and Nana) grasp that they'll be doomed to eternal mockery.

Anthony worked 8 hour weeks and Joe is an unemployed bum. They couldn’t find the time to look their mother in the eyes and just give her a minute of their week. It meant having to feel something other than a Bud Light buzz or the dark fuzzies of the pill bottle

give them a break, they had no father figure growing up and JoeH Sr discouraged emotion

The Super Moolie Bros. didn't wanna get sad, you see. Big, tough bad-asses were afraid of feeling the least bit bad. Besides, why waste the time to go visit the old cunt when she'd just forget you were there as soon as you left anyway, right?


It is, without any hint of a joke or irony, the most despicable thing about both Cumia brothers. In my opinion.

Besides the KP and under-age molestation?

In all fairness (though they're almost certainly guilty of both of those things) they are still essentially allegations.

That they both completely abandoned, ignored and basically threw away their own mother, like a sack of refuse, for the last 5 years of her life rather than face the pain of seeing her sick, is a fact. We know this because they have both admitted it publicly several times, always with that "aw shucks" sheepish, cowardly expression or tone like "what are you gonna do? Anyone would behave the same way." No they wouldn't, you cowardly pieces of nigger garbage.

Don't forget he declared her dead and Dawn had to correct him

u/Doxxer100, DD 214?

Tough guy Joe would desert his brother in a black man's arms at the first moment of discomfort.