Pat posting is funnier and more entertaining than fucking with Joe

9  2019-09-26 by SpikeSpiegel__

I hate to say it but even though Patrick is a narcissistic moron, he’s still more intelligent than slow Joe.

It’s become too easy to fuck with Joe - Patso at least is a little bit more challenging to get to.

Also, Joe LOVES the attention - Patrick absolutely hates it because it’s ruining his career. There’s more incentive to keep at it with Pat.


they are both fucking funny in different ways. Fuck just make fun of these retards and combine forces. Joe was hilarious yesterday. Jesus.

I agree but I’m just saying Pat content is funnier. Joe is almost milked dry at this point but I will never tell people to stop.

Not to mention it’s a win-win situation for Joe-posters because the more attention we give Pat, the more likely Joe will react like a jealous ex-girlfriend and blurt out some new info to focus on him again.

No one cares about your opinion on who we should target or which one is funnier. Troll one, the other, or both. Quit trying to act like you're really doing something because you're fucking someone on the internet. Trolling Fatrick is not harder or requiring of more creativity than trolling Joe. I don't know what makes you think that but it really is one of the dumbest things I've ever read on here. You call him fat, make fun of his pathetic mess of a life, and shit on his writing. You're not doing anything special compared to what everyone does to Joe.

Also, if you don't think Patrick doesn't enjoy the attention, you're an idiot. He clearly enjoys the fucking attention. He loves being the target of this shit because he thinks he's fighting some sort of noble fight against "Nazis" on the internet.

It objectively requires more effort to dig through Patrick’s shitty blog and discover the Robin Williams post, or figure out how he cut Marathons. When you find this shit, it really does feel like you’ve struck gold - there’s a lot more gold to be found.

There’s almost nothing left to find out about Joe at this point. It’s like a massacre where you’re still shooting dead bodies because it’s kinda fun, and you’re bored.

Patrick only interacts with the sub because his pride prevents him from accepting his loss. He’s not after attention - he’s still trying to win in any way he can. Joe is nothing without us - Pat still has something.

Jesus fucking Christ

I stopped reading when you tried to claim it requires effort to dig through a fucking blog.

Stop patting yourself on the back they’re both insanely easy targets.