Remember Spaceedge?

39  2019-09-26 by YeahIGotAFace

What a faggot.


He's like, one of those guys who I legitimately hate. Took his ball and went home, fucking asshole.

Also someone on r/opieandanthony banned me for making fun of Indian people. Like wtf is that.

I kept making these super clever Rollins/Dovid posts but a few subs in a row have been removing them..... Methinks a HindJew be in our midst.

Everybody loves Rollins posts

Man I miss those Rollins posts dude

Nope, doesn't ring a bell.

The fatass who sucks at stealing vapes?

Yes, the cross-eyed junkie that's the fella.

The guy who blames everyone else for his own douchyness? Nope doesn’t ring a bell

Remember whipping huskies? Wonder whatever happened to him. His lentil soup and intense anti semitism are missed.

I believe he's u/artie 025150 now, no?


Lol guess im wrong. I just assumed because how many spics are we realistically going to have around these parts?

A lot actually. u/janedough911 is some kinda tiraflecha, fuckin what's his face diana orbani or something was a guatemalteco.

We have Central Americans amongst us? Gross.

Nice quetzales, estupido.

We globalists now

This has been a pressing issue for me also

I honestly don't think he's that guy. lol

Well guess I'm retarded. I thought they were the same guy this whole time

Not sure if I should be honored or embarrassed.

He had a healthy baby boy with the fat chick he went to jail for hitting. Then he relapsed on hash and I haven't heard from him since. Hope he's doin alright. u/therealhuskies we over here now.

All he had to do is tow the line with the Patrick stuff. I personally believe that if he had just left it alone, the posts would have died down and Patrick stuff wouldn't have exploded like they did. That's what happens when you ban something, stupid. Just like alcohol prohibition lead to more issues. Him doing that only eventually led to the whole vape incident being leaked which caused him to panic and run away.

I just want to go back and collect some of my stuff that I left behind.

All he had to do was leave it alone.

He should open it up, but restrict posting. Even for one day.

Fuck off, I want all or nuthin.

fuck him i'm recreating the entire sub its just going to take a while theres a fuck load of posts

A Godly pursuit.

I used to do the Weekly SJW Comedians bit. My other account got suspended, not sure if youll be able to get those old posts.

You're a good dude.

Thank you for your service. If you were to ever open a paypal account or some other way of accepting donations I'd be happy to toss you a couple of bucks.

I'll set one up on my site for hosting hosts eventually.

I can't think of anything in particular since the sub is an endless source of content it's all a blur.

I also left my USB power bank. Brand new!

i'm upt to 47 pieces of your work now. i keep finding a few more. Might be some dupes in here though

Lol I forgot I posted the one of Jim and Sam. I have an accordion style folder with every one of my doodles, including some I haven't posted.

you absolutely know it wouldnt had died down with time. it went on for 10 months before the sub shut down. And as seen here in just a day you people cannot be trusted and why he did what he had to do.

Shut your faggot mouth

you can just scroll past the posts you don't want to read lolololoolol

Tee hee you fuckin faggot

Heard big boy OD’d on Cheetos and KitKats. Last known photograph.

Have you seen the message that’s set when you visit now? “Blame the trolls for the shutdown of this sub”. Who, that isn’t here would visit that sub now? Who the fuck is randomly coming across those clips for the first time now?

Well I'm only 16 and I don't know dick about the internet but I've listened to Opie and Anthony my whole life.

If you need help from an elite group of super trolls, I might be able to pull some strings. But only if it is because a black dude is fucking your mom!

Funny, all the shit he eats and yet every bastard sub has a mod that wants to be just like him.

The morbidly obese cross-eyed vape stealing faggot?

Does anyone remember Deep Legal Shit? Is he still around?

I was hoping you were gonna link to an article about his OD

There is still a chat room on Reddit called OpieAnthony and he posts in it from time to time