Patrick got ponned by a girl

10  2019-09-25 by ThePepsiColaRapist


I can only see half of the conversation, but I imagine Pats comments are along the lines of "no child" and "you're wrong child" and other similar comments of a coward who can not debate any one with more then half a brain.

from top to bottom

"No, it wasn't."

"Looked into them. Fact is he's still racist."

"Yes, it is."

"Correct. It is true independent of what I think."

"I don't. It's a fact all by itself."

here we see the tactics of a true master debater

Hes so fucking predictable. I can't wait to see him spaz out when Trump wins in 2020

A sexist on top of being a white supremacist. Fucking disgusting.

I like how you're pretending to be a girl.

How much do you like it, big guy

If that's one of us, they sure have dedication at it.

Apologies. I was attempting to cite Pat's "I like how you are pretending to be a black person" line. As if only white people could possibly debate him successfully.

He’s like a broken record. Nothing original to say. This is why anti bullying campaigns are a bad idea.

It's either someone from here or some random young girl on Twitter

He victimizes everyone in his path

Sister Emily. Love that girl.