Joe Cumias so poor. ..(how poor is he?!)

12  2019-09-25 by BovineCoomia

Joe Cumias so poor he can't even afford to pay attention!

Wait for applause to finish

Also Joe Cumias a faggot.


Joe Cumia so far when he steps on the scale it says to be continued (audience laughs)

Joe Cumias so fat and old when God said, "Let there be light," he asked that bovine to move out of the way.

I saw Joe kicking a can down the street I said whatcha doing he said movin'.

Joe Cumia is so slow when they were handin' out brains he thought they said trains and asked for a slow one.

But anyway, buy my book.


Joe Cumia is so technologically savvy that this sub will be gone in 3.. 2.. 1..

What an absolute blunder by the dunderhead himself.

3.. 2.. 1..

How low will ant go?

it’s really depressing when you think about how he sits behind an old Dell desktop, wearing jean shorts and Nike Monarchs, constantly checking in on whatever sub is active

honestly i feel bad for you...I know you’re reading this cus it’s late at night, bro you have a daughter to raise just get off the computer. The whole Cumia family is so so sad. Anthony is what, 60? and he’s a dottering old drunk. Joe is eating salads made of ham slices and mayonnaise with his massive basketball gut hanging out the bottom of a second hand Rockstar Games t shirt..what are you trying to accomplish man, for the first time in your life have you ever accomplished anything independently of your pussy younger brother?

I was forced to go to Long Island this summer for a wedding (Joe you don’t know about these because CarolH ain’t wife material) but jesus fuck I couldn’t wait to get back to an actual city where grown men don’t wear sleeveless No Fear t shirts to a bar in the day time. anything you’ve attempted in life you’ve utterly failed have no value and add nothing to the world. Every morning when you wake up is a mistake

Your visceral assassination of Joe was fawkin brutal brotherman. If I was Joe and read this I'd kill myself

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