Reminder that Pat actually wrote this

11  2019-09-25 by Pat_Kumia


She was lying to herself, child

I forgot ge also thinks he's a stand up.

Fucking nincompoop.

With you in spirit but could you watch your language. Thanks.

Somehow, I managed to continue on auto-pilot, paying my bills and working, but at every moment [depression] sapped my energy. It left me mentally and physically exhausted, yet unable to sleep and recover. Alcohol and sleep medication was all that kept it at bay for a few hours at a time and let me rest. [...] [It] turned my intelligence and stubbornness against me, convincing me that it was right using my own greatest strengths and defining characteristics to do it, convincing me that it was actually my voice I was hearing, instead of its lies.

Patrick is a broken man. This is dark. Joe is nothing like that.

It's like some cheesy Dexter monologue.

In the original text, he wrote "the monster" instead of the words in squared brackets. His writing is not appealing. I never made it through anything on his blog without skimming if not just picking single paragraphs at random.


I like how the first sentence of the blog is

This post is about comedy, but there won’t be anything funny about it.

Wrong again buddy.

Wrong again.

Whenever I imagine Patso blubbering like a bitch for some reason I always him unable to control his flatulence as well.

no signs of infidelity...


Aside from Pat's violent calls to political action, and wishing to commit violence to roughly half the nation, this displays another reason why Pat owning guns is a red flag.

He literally put the barrel of a gun in his mouth. So he is not just a danger to society but himself. He is unhinged and totally irresponsible with firearms.


Well, he got over his issues with being “scrawny”.

I love emo Pat's overwrought gushing blogposts. We all say he's a shit writer but he really convincingly captured the voice of an emotionally unstable 16 year old girl here. Well done Pat.