Reminder: 17,000 people laughed at Patrick pretending to be a tough guy

36  2019-09-25 by TheFakeJirnNorton


Good work.

u/johnoatesstache is a wonderful guy

u/percykaramello made the pic. I just ran with it.

Never thought I'd last as long as I did.

He never acknowledged this, did he?

No, he refuses to acknowledge anything we do that makes him look stupid. He'll instead just double down on the tough guy angle on here the next time he's had too many Miller Lites at Hooligan's. Making fun of Patrick has been an interesting study of the human mind.

He will go into threads in other subs claiming he didnt give permission for his photo to be posted a few times. The lesbian shooting range thread, the roastme thread.

I figured he stayed away from this one coz it had 17k viewers.

The mod over at r\roastme was DMing me trying to figure out if i was telling the truth when I claimed that Patrick was lying when he said that picture was of him and he didnt give permission to be posted there. I left a comment like “uummm actually this is me. Why are you trying to say thats you? I really dont care about my picture being up there. Its actually pretty funny”. Of course pattys comment had like -10 and mine had +12 or whatever so the mods actually believed me for a while. Patrick probably spend another 5k of Nikkis vodka savings to get that thread locked.


subs like iamverybadass and iamverysmart actually encourage posting images from the social media accounts of idiots as long as you black out personal info OR they paint themselves as "public figures". its where most of their content comes from.

I posted a screenshot of the thread in the Pat sub at the time and woke up to a DMCA claim. The sub was already down by the time I woke up the next day. Funny, because the original post in r/iamverybadass is still up and I've never received any heat over it.

But we should stop posting about Fatrick, he’s irrelevant

This doesn't end until Joe and Pat die.

I like your style.

Lol @ thinking there won't be 4 years of pictures of shit and piss on their gravestones.

Irrelevant to this sub.

17,000 children, child.

17,000 Nazis, child!

I remember reading before that only like 10-20% of people actually upvote. It was probably closer to 100,000 people that actually saw it.

Probably more than that. Hilarious to imagine all the regular people that browse r/all laughing at Patso.