I'm just an actual tough guy, dickweeds

27  2019-09-25 by dazzlefloss


I bet tittyboy was one of those dweebs in high school that showed up in a leather trench coat and a bowler hat and thought "I look like a bad mammajamma".

While you were busy with girls, I was honing my skills with the ancient japanese katana, children.

Just your average sex god from the biblical era.

the only two "old testament" sex gods i can count off the top of my head are the whore of babylon (who gets fucked by bulls) and moloch (to whom children are burned for) and frankly both descriptions are well fitting

Better chill oot there, heavy metal dick.

Don't insult Dickrus by comparing him to patty-cakes.

Now fuck off I've got work to do.

Who's this faggot.

A tough guy who failed his grade 10

Well that could be any of our rogues gallery.

Where’s my pepperoni?

"There's a giant dick with an arrow and my name pointed at it"

"It wasn't me, I can't even draw, child"

can't write either