no effect

10  2019-09-25 by detectivemonahan


Joe is unique in that he's a complete dunderhead who still wildly overthinks everything. It's remarkable, really.

/u/doxxer100 everyone thinks you're retarded but you, you imbecilic boob.

Yeah I got into it with him how boomers are the worst generation

If it wernt for is brother, Joe would either be in jail or homeless. Joe is a nothing and has done absolutely nothing with his life. His only accomplishment is riding on Ants coat tails.

Kids are the problem with the world. Back in my day...

Hot take, gramps.

He really seems to believe this sub is populated by "kids". Hardly anyone under 30 even knows who O&A are or even listened to the radio.

This man is lecturing people on social skills? AAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

What actual damage have we done? Gotten his gigs cancelled? I'm sure that's much worse than the trauma his brother's domestic violence and sexual assault victims deal with.

I never liked being called a goon.

Who is faggot Joes ghost writer?

So so so so so so the man who defends child porn and welcomes convicted pedophiles into his home with his young daughter thinks we aren't model citizens?

Does this idiot realize that O&A shaped who we are because we listened to it growing up?

This boomer should of never discovered the internet

A retarded Howard Beale.