So Steve Hofstetter. He just plants a heckler in the audience, says a written reply after they heckle and makes a video pretending it's real?

20  2019-09-25 by Biggavelbaby

Why is he not considered the biggest hack of all time? His TY comments all seem to believe him. Wasn't he on Rogan? What the fuck is going on?


What’s worse is that faggots eat it up as real.

Jews do like committing false-flags for attention, huh gang?

Dude got IRATE when a real, not planted, audience member innocently suggested a typical job for a jewish person is working in media.

What a queer. He was making the same joke himself with the "jews dont want that kind of job" shit.

U/thehofstetter carries gold in a pouch around his neck

He's an absolute faggot. He was on the gaming podcast that Anthony was on and he was talking about how comedians are special people and civilians just don't know what is funny.

Team killer already or some shit?

That's it, painkiller already.

And he’s been doing it for YEARS

He's once of the lamest pieces of shit that passes as a "comedian" these days. He also regularly posts on this gay ass website.