42,000 followers. 8 likes on a pinned tweet in 20 minutes. Nice horde, stupid.

26  2019-09-25 by Fatty-patty-3


Trump resigned when he saw this tweet

It's mostly plagiarism, cheating at marathons, and pedophilia-apology around these parts.

Political firestorm

If you like sports and calling Trump a rapist and all of his supporters Nazi’s then buy my plagiarized book about spacemen.


spaceXIR, you bigot.

I could have predicted this after yesterday's viral tweet. He really is so pathetic

"a viral tweet and impeachment on the same day? Yay me!". A fucking 40 year old "actual tough guy" posted that shit. He is such a classic narcissist that any little positive thing and he has to gloat about it and Pat himself on the back. What a fucking psychopath.

There are too many stars next to that amazon listing.

I want to fuck Niki in the ass, then stick it in her mouth.

May i taste you after?

I wouldn’t fuck her pussy with your dick either, bitch drinks beer.

Nice advertising a book with three and a half stars, stupid.

The sickest thing is, you know he woke up pretty much high this morning because he had a tweet go viral on twitter.

That's what's so funny about this fuck. He lives for attention that nets him nothing in real life. What a misguided baby diddling child.

Apparently shameless self-promotion doesn't make good Twitter content to his bot followers.

What does "around these parts" even mean in that sentence?

I read that book was pretty crappy on Goodreads.

I like how Pat is obsessed with sports, yet never talks about college athletics. Not a peep about college football, hockey, or basketball. Guess it's embarrassing to cheer for a college team when you're a community College dropout.

He sure knows about community youth basketball teams though. Those are where he spots black children age 7-10 to molest and eventually become Nikki's bulls.

Ripping Trump out by the roots? Jesus Christ he thinks his recycled and debunked arguments are an attraction. The hair on my arms just stood up from embarrassment.

We go after him and it's a criminal harassment campaign. Yet he spends every waking hour going after trump directly to get 5 likes and no retweets. Fascist white supremacist nazi child.

What’s interesting (read: pathetic) to me is he could just ignore it. The way Trump ignores him. Do you think Patrick bothers Trump? Of course not. He’s a fly. That’s with the people who torment Patrick should be to Patrick. He should just move on. Shrug and forget about it. They’re picking on you because it gets a reaction, stupid. Why does this place or any of our subs bother him? Just don’t read it. Oh… That’s right… He loves the attention. It makes baby boy feel special since his writing career doesn’t fulfill that need for him.

We give him the attention daddy never did. We are his father figures and he is well... Our child.

I think his book rating is too high.