Fat failed author, marathon cheater, child abandoner AKA Fatrick started tweeting today at 5:30

50  2019-09-25 by FatMarathonCheater

Pat's been working hard sending his well thought responses.


random people were lighting him up on twitter, & he couldn't sleep thinking about it.

if Nikki hasn't left him yet, she's sure thinking about it right now.

She's a loser, she can't leave him.

I hope his daughter that he doesn’t know has a great day at school

You think she ever checks her dad's Twitter and thinks to herself "what a fucking fat embarrassment. Thank god he left me."?

He’s dad is called big dick Jonathan

And no, she's not embarrassed

Pringles Can Jonathan doesn't have time for Twitter. Between the time he spend at work so he can provide for his family, then after work hes home spending his reaming free time with his them.

If you assholes thought this ffat blowhard was insufferable before, just wait til you see what we're in for now that he's had his second "viral" moment. This pig is going to spend every waking moment on twitter and double-down on his whole shtick. Fatrick has evolved into Mega-Fatrick.

This pig is going to spend every waking moment on twitter and double-down on his whole shtick.

And it's going to be fucking hilarious.

I'm gonna need a new hard drive just for my Fatrick folder.

Ain't it fun?

Lock it in a bank safe

A hard drive of hits?

The faggot gained maximum of 200 new followers that will leave soon.

He’s bragging about reaching 42k followers from having....41.9k before yesterday. That 5 grand has done nothing, child.

He's doing our recruitment for us. You work for us Patrick.

Can you explain what happened with him?

I probably could, sure.


The best part of him ran down the crack of his mother's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress.

Which nonsensical string of words went viral?

The retard girl is trying to save the world

Wow. He's a real buffoon.

this one

The thing is he’s dead wrong, but he’s still doubling down on calling that kid a racist just because he wore the MAGA hat.

He’s being so fucking gay with his smart alec responses.

Reading his responses to people making actual points genuinely makes me want to murder fatprick with a blunt instrument in front of a large group of people. Then drag his carcass through a 5k race.

I bet you’d still beat his his time

He’s being so fucking gay with his smart alec responses.

That's 100% why he has following in the first place. His whole act is trolling conservatives, and it's the sole reason anyone follows him.

And they only like his orange man bad tweets, anything related to his life gets single digit likes. Pat is just another name in the 80% of twitter that cries about Trump. He’s nothing to his followers.

Its gonna be a firestorm today. Tubby went ‘viral’ yesterday. There are tweets to be made, little nothing.

I'm sorry you're stupid. I can't help you.

“Youre not black because youre just not.”

Wrong again, child.

You are not black, boy

That really shows how much he wants to dictate/script his online interactions.

Pat will continue to embarrass himself and we will be laughing all the way

Oh no, dear. I am not embarrassing myself, child.

Holy shit. I am here for laughing at the other guy. I just read this guy’s twitter for 2 minutes. He is as insufferable as anyone I have ever seen. Is it possible he is just a parody?

Nope. He really is just playing to the lowest common denominator.

For a man who tries to pass himself off as an intellectual, his posts consist of:

Abortion Good. Orange Man Bad.

I can understand when people have an opinion and they will not come off of it. However, this guy is simply a Reverse Trump. The orange man whom he hates is actually his inspiration. His attempt at moral and intellectual superiority falls so unbelievably flat that in 3 tweets it is easily seen. But, in his argument we are all simply obsessed and jealous. Reminds me of someone else.....

what was his viral tweet

At least 39 tweets in the last hour. All of them the simplistic outpourings of a fucking moron.

He has over twice as many Tweets as he does followers. He's pathological. He's one of those guys who cultivates an online persona to compensate for who he isn't really in real life .

Online, he can cosplay as an actual tough guy, a successful author, a political pundit, etc. But once he logs out...? He's fucking nothing.

Oopsie doodles.

I have multiple receipts of him stating that he acts the exact same in real life as he does online. For some reason he thinks this is a good thing.

I’ve never seen an adult care so much about a social media site. Pat doesn’t realize a majority of people aren’t on twitter 24/7 because they have actual lives.

He does. Not quite to the same extent, he’s too much of a pussy to talk shit the exact same way he does online. He thinks he’s a tough guy, he really does. But he senses his limitations. He’s a cunt. And his publisher knows his.