How to win ANY debate and solidify yourself as a political firebrand

69  2019-09-25 by DIARRHEA-BUBBLEBATH

  1. Call anyone and everyone who disagrees with you a "child", "Nazi", "little one", and whatever other mature insults you can think of. Ad hominem attacks are a staple in every intellectual's debate arsenal.

  2. Use Daily Show-tier one-liners as rebuttles to your opponent's arguments. Even though this might indicate to onlookers that you have a very primitive understanding of the subject matter, its a quick way to get people who already agree with you to take your side.

  3. Block your debate opponents immediately after responding to them. This will completely shut them down and make you automatically win the debate.

  4. If all else fails, tell your followers to commit political violence against your opponent and those who agree with them. Hopefully this will scare them away.


Remember, arguments are never won based on factual evidence and logical reasoning, they’re won based on who has the most followers and the snarkiest one liners. Also try and sound like an old black woman, sweetheart honey child

The tactics known as norton cumio

The fuckin usernames on this sub. Lol

What's the problem? child.

I write sci fi books no one buys, and my ex wife is getting dicked by a 13 inch cock.

Sounds like you're a political firebrand

Jim and Patrick bitching at each other would be back and forth "child" VS "baby boy" like the weak fruits they are, until Patrick gets hit with a "nice shirt, stupid" and blocks Jim in a pudgy Pat tantrum

calling Patrick 'baby boy' might be a fun move, it's logically one step up from 'child' in his insult hierarchy.

I do hope everyone with a twitter says that to him.

I liked it when a guy on a Twitter called him princess, pudgy pat definitely got rattled from that one

And fat Pat immediately goes to "oh so you're a misogynist". As if his name calling and belittling of every woman who disagrees with him isn't the same fucking thing. Guy is a fat low-t nigger boy raping lunatic sweet butternut squash little nothing child who also beats his wife and is a high level child pornography mogul. His Twitter faggoty tirade yesterday has brought the fucking demons out of me. Guy is fucking hateable as they come.

Yeah and if we used his own logic on his name-calling, it makes pudgy Patrick Sean Tomlinson a kid-hating child abuser.. oopsie doodles!

And he does actually look like a deformed baby

How do we get Pat to call the show?

I'm embarrassed to admit I would occasionally watch Owen Benjamin clips after I watched Porsalins doc on him. But they'd all start with a pretty high quality song a fan sent in going "Everyone's a Nazi that I don't like, everyone's a Nazi that I don't like.." Reminds me of Patso.

Owen's not bad. A fag at times, a narcissist who says he's alpha, but he does make me laugh occasionally. Unlike 99% of people.

Cute post, kiddo!

How is that?

The thread on his tweet about the Covington Catholic kid is pure mental illness.

He’s in there digging his heels into his rhetoric while his actual friends are trying to help him sound less insane. He’s in a mental state where he’s convinced anyone who disagrees with him is a troll from here.

These people need to be tossed from flying helicopters.

As opposed to underwater helicopters tsss

Well ya can't expect tossing them from a helicopter on the ground to do much good, you silly goose.

No baby noises around here brotherman

No baby noises

Take that baby noise horse shit some place else

But he doesn't have one liners. He has canned replies that never have anything to do with the subject being discussed or the person he's replying to. It's either generic personal attacks of being a nazi, or a version of *I know you are but what am I." Pat would go in a fury here whenever I pointed out his total inability to make a comeback.

This sounds like a pretty good, unironic guide I could use.

Thanks, child

It's hilarious that he and Joe think we're some kind of alt-right hangout.

I voted for Obama twice. I voted for Gary Johnson in '16 (a retarded move, I'll admit). I have a full-time job and a master's degree. I hope the police officer in Dallas that killed the innocent guy in his own apartment should be hanged from the highest tree.

What I'm saying is, these oafs should both be checked for worms.