How does this sub remain while the others were purged within hours?

16  2019-09-25 by HollandJimmy

Did the admins get tired?


Opie has blessed this sub. Brotherman magic.

Brotherman Christ sacrificed himself for our sins

The tranny admin that was stalking us is currently too busy posting selfies but once that's over we are gone. I wish I was kidding.

I want to look at this disgusting creature, post the username

Check your PMs

I need its username too, please.

Send me the name too

I'd like to browse

Me too, pls.

No. Don't send this guy the name. No reason, I just want to be mean for no reason.


Tranny's need love, too.

If they left it up, it's for a reason. Head on a swivel, lambchops.

The Destroyer protects

I’ve been out of the loop since the original sub went down and forgot I subscribed to this during the big opine revival

Ole cow tits is back to his dmca game so itll be gone in a few days most likely.