Zach is a real ass dude.

68  2019-09-25 by Senior_Poster


Making friends and winning hearts. That's the P-Titty way. I wonder why his first wife never loved him or found him attractive? He has such a magnetic personality


I can't take credit for it. A brotherman on the OG sub coined the name. I merely repeat it.

The same reasons his second wife doesn't love him or find him attractive. Cuz he's an unlovable, pie faced, effeminate, doughy fat body. No doubt Nikki admires Adrienne. Not only for telling Patrick how it is, but going and getting a real man in Jonathan

He's just mean. A really ugly person.

And a fat faggot cocksucker that won't give a reach around

Oh he reaches around poor Nikki... Tobgetbti the child infront of her

Ahahaha this is art.

Wheezed laughing at that.

you know pat you may not have learned this "the hard way" yet due to being an actual tough guy but many men would see your perception of "stating facts" as the kind of smarmy shit-talking that precipitates beatings.

That's why I do my shitposting from behind this keyboard.

In real life, I'm a certified yeast-culture technician making $300K a year

All that study of Carol's pussy paid off


That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever read. Bravo.


Thats a legit funny joke.

Lucky Patrick, that's the only way you know it wasn't him.

This fight club wannabe motherfucker brings it on himself.

Would never tell that kind of joke? So joking about putting on Black Face is really funny?

Lol, Patty Cakes is such a doofus.

Hey that's me.

Pat never would have reached this age in a generation of actual men.

Yeah, Zach is a real ass-dude.

Lol I love how he immediately blocks someone the second he realizes that they're capable of arguing. He's such a chubby little pussy

this as a wall hanging poster would sell

That joke is funny. It might do his stand up "career" wonders to claim that one.

What an unbearable cunt. Just a disgusting sub human piece of excrement.