Who is more unlikeable - Joe or Pat?

6  2019-09-25 by JoeCumiaWearsDIAPERS

There's compelling evidence for both



it probably depends on your political leanings, that is what is so brilliant at these targets. its like looking at the most retarded example of yourself

I appreciate that you found a way to make me hate myself through all of this

I do it to myself every day

We're all in this thing together brotherman

Joe doesn't understand politics, in his mind he just picks the side that likes guns

The only thing separating them is skin tone and a few decades. Joe ever spent time in the Midwest? Someone find Pat's mother and ask her if she ever fucked a 6'1" retard that couldn't stop talking about his brother.

Both are literally defenders of actual child molesters, leech off alcoholic family members, preach an ideology they only pretend to believe in while knowing nothing about and pick fights that they quickly run away from.

As far as fatherhood goes Joe at least opted to be in his stepdaughter’s life but has been pretty reckless in keeping dangerous people out of his home. Joe is more entertaining and I got to think on some level aware of what a fucking moron he is.


Hooves Down.

Just got downvoted.

I take that kinda shit personal.

Both are shit but Pat is worse cause Joe is just a dumb animal at the end of his life from old age his heart doesn't work his dick doesn't work he can't make anymore cumia's Pat still can sadly.

Pat, he's less entertaining and more delusional.

Been a member of the OnA sub community for about 6 years, and i only know Pat from following the posts from... the people the post about him. Joe is way more entertaining, and a bigger piece of shit than this Pat person

Google @stealthygeek right now and come back 2 minutes from now when you have changed your mind

The answer is Piss Balloon Roberts

Joe is a clown. He shuts down the subs and types out these retarded essay posts thinking, ”This time I’ve got them!” and it never happens. He’s a low iq retard that’s easy to make fun of because he’s so oblivious to his own oafish bovine nature. In reality though, he’s harmless. He’ll play the tough guy online and then go back to his stupid boomer hobbies.

Fatrick on the other hand seems like a genuine psychopath. Everything about his life is based around lies. He pretends to be a sci fi nerd, pretends to be a sports fan and pretends to be this interesting, popular, well liked guy when he obviously isn’t. He does this to infiltrate groups so that he can have a position of perceived power and importance over other people. He immediately infantilizes anyone that he even perceives is criticizing him in any way. He seems to genuinely believe women are of lower stock and must be protected and secured by him specifically, and has the same attitude toward minorities. Everything about him is one massive power trip going on only in his mind, in real life he’s a quiet boring weird faggot that people pretend to like because they’re creeped out by what he could do to them. He goes to the same bar every day and pretends to be a big shot successful author, when anyone with eyes can see that he’s completely delusional. He’s an actual threat to the people around him, and I’m enjoying seeing his mind slowly unravel in real time.

Joe is a retard but Pat is literally a contender for the most hatable man on earth.

Pat is head, shoulders and gunt less likeable than Joe.