"After every ban, you lose members..."

33  2019-09-25 by Thomas_Dairy

Do we, Patass?

There might have been a time when that statement was true, but I haven't seen this many people online at once in quite a while. I'm glad we've all stuck together this long. :)


Based on the contact I've had with people on Twitter, we've actually now got people from the OG sub returning. Another miscalculation from ol' P-Titty the Marathon Cheat

Oh dear, that would make things worse for Patrick. He can't be happy about this.

I have a backup of the og sub. I can grab all the usernames who ever posted there. It's on my list to script out pms.

Thank you for your autism. I feel like the brothermen sometimes forget to thank you the effort you are making here.

Tyfys brothaman.

Subs may die, the idea lives on

There's just a core level of autism that no man can overcome

Well you're not wrong there at all.

We can gain new subs. He can gain new followers. We all can always get back what we lost. Except time spent raising our daughters. You can't buy that back with five grand. That time is gone forever if you missed it. I'll take my "full custody" over your "50k followers" any day, tittyboy.

At the end of the day even if they shut Reddit down to get rid of us and the brothermen were scattered into the wind never to reform, I'd still be sitting here in the house that I own, still gainfully working in the career I love, enjoying full custody of my beautiful daughter and all the fulfillment that comes with being a father. These are things that make me feel complete as a man. P-Titty cannot ever feel what I feel. That's what makes him the chubby sub-human that he is.

At the end of the day I'm gonna keep getting blown by my beautiful wife, go to the park with my handsome son, get paid every Friday at my awesome job, and send dick pics to patricks mother on a regular basis. So suck on that retard!!!

I'll bet she has normal human-sized ears. Wonder if Pat misses that, fucking a woman that doesn't have Mickey Mouse ears.

I'm actually quoting one of KillaKuhn's final posts.

I don't have a wife. I'm fuckin' lonely. :(

At the end of the day I'll be alone, masturbating to internet pornography and washing my pain with gratuitous amounts of alcohol.

At the end of the day I’m gonna keep getting blown by my handsome son, go to the park with my beautiful wife, and send dick pics to retards on a regular basis too.

If I had a daughter I would actually take joy in taking the time to make sure she gets to school on time and I wouldn't sell her bike online for buy cheap chinese guitar cash.

What's the 5k story, I missed it

That's how much he had to pay a lawyer to get his Twitter reinstated for him.

The first sub with 25k was like ten years old, most of the accounts subbed to it weren’t being used anymore. I go through accounts every few months.

This is what everyone forgets about big subs. It doesn't matter what the total count is, it's the activity level that counts.

That's what Pat doesn't get about Twitter either. His stupid 42k followers mean shit. 99% of his tweets get no activity. It's only when someone actually famous mentions him that he gets a bump in activity. Then back to nothing. 42000 followers and zero book sales. Pathetic.

And now with him being a big douche on twitter it attracts more to our cause, child.

Need some actual Pat being a piece of shit screenshots to blow up his spot with a few fellow authors

What is Cucked will never cuck. But rise again to breathe then continue sucking out the Bulls Seed.

You know when it was true? When there was just the loganlynn sub. It was maybe a handful of posters, at best, making a post every couple days or so.

Then whatever iteration of the O&A sub closed, people rushed back in, and for a much wider audience, Pat was fresh again. From Stinks to the Naked Lunch interzone agent belly buttoned nigger, everyone was ALL IN again.

Now Patty is booming. Our Berlin wall has been destroyed (thanks Joe!), communities have been reunited, he has made new enemies on Twitter, and apparently /pol/ has finally discovered him.

Good going, fatso. Should have taken the words of the Brothaman clan and left it alone.

I remember those days. Proud to say I was still calling Pat a fat faggot back when there was only 6 active users on r/LoganLynn then someone found out Patrick hasn't sold enough books to receive royalties on his any of his horse shit. He came charging into the sub to argue about it the same day r/Opie_Anthony went down. It was the perfect storm, a ton of people came back and there was like 900 active users lmfao. It was only like 3 weeks ago but it feels like 3 years ago.

The Pajeetzstaffels persecution of our subs has made a minute age like an hour. Never forget. Never again.

I've never really gotten into the Fatrick thing but he does seem to have something in common with Moo Tits, that being a woefully misguided notion that they "understand" the mentality at play here. And that is the root of all their problems.

Holy chit, we're almost up to 2,000 subs. I always thought it hovered around 1k.

The original sub was mostly alts and abandoned usernames. Why would anyone give a flying fuck about where we post as long as the mod isn’t some power mad mod transsexual? We don’t need a Reddit username to inform the outside online world of Patso’s and Moomia’s bigotry.

You know your username sounds like that nice fella Thomas_Daly.

Huh. Small world I guess.

Joe loves to show that he knows the word "attrition" whenever this topic comes up.

It’s 2am and there are 140 people online. Hooligans probably doesn’t have a fire permit for 140 people.

There’s a literal shitload of people who enjoy seeing what Joey and P-titty are up to

And if it was true-

Who cares? Lmfao, I wouldn't care if we lost every member, the sub itself means nothing to us you dolt, the only satisfaction we get from it is seeing how much he let's it trigger him/how much time he spends freaking out about it/what people are saying about him on it...

Just how oblivious can you be as a married, middle aged man?