If not for Anthony, Joe would be mooching off his lovely sister, and claiming to have invented weddings.

32  2019-09-24 by BloviatingUdders2


What the fuck is she looking at? The camera is in front of you, dummy.

Someone dangled a carrot 🥕

Looking for surveillance cameras on the ceiling

She’s making the uncle Rico pose from Napoleon dynamite.

Joe would have been responsible for introducing her to her husband.

Dawn gets a pass. A decent citizen who never gave up on her mum in the darkest of times. Her two brothers (A pedo & cancer on society leech) Didn't bother looking after there mum. Instead told the world she was dead. To save them from being sad and interrupting poker nights.


She probably thinks it's cool like being a mafia wife. The real victims are Layla and Fat Opie Jr.

She had one flattering picture of her ass taken, aside from that she looks like anthony with bigger teeth.

She looks just like Joe Piscopo

Looks like Ant in the Tyson photo

I have a fetish for fucking ugly women. They’ll let you do anything you want.


I think he does try to get her to book him as the wedding band. So in a way he tries to dip into her income.

Thats amazing.

Not the only thing he’s trying to dip into her

This is how Joe C diversifies his portfolio

He introduced her to the bride and groom. Dawn never had business sense like Joe.

He absolutely would be mooching off her and trying to get her to set him up with a gig for every wedding she officiated. u/Doxxer100 is a fucking leech in every conceivable alternate reality.

What is it with this family and shit graphic design?