How many times do you think Joe & Dawn have fucked?

8  2019-09-24 by detectivemonahan



How many times has Joe raped Dawn? Tons.

That's always counted as a fuck in my books.

When Joe rapes you?

Such repulsive creatures. All of them.

Oh no he's wearing jesus creepers.

His "wife" legitimately looks like a dude. No wonder he's going for dawn.

She is not "wife" material.

There is no fucking loophole where you can put it in quotation marks.

In a row?

Look closely at Joe's lame ass tattoos, he's a total wannabe biker.

Does Joe vape now?

Looks like a weed vape

Even the picture smells.

Is that horrific bitch always barefoot?

Her acidic and ubiquitous squirts eat New Balance crosstrainers like ham cubes

I bet there's plastic sheeting covering compound east with her opening the hatch that often. Floors probably like a rancid slip & slide. Fucking trash.

Maybe because they don't make shoes that will accommodate her World Record Bunions

How many times like consentually? None. How many times has he laid on top of her, rutting? Countless

He looks like the fag hags pet queer here, they're laughing at the ludicrous idea that this absolute fruit would want to squeeze a tit.

Stop it, im getting hard.

Those gals must be quite tall. They only look about an inch shorter than our 6’1 hero

Look at his heaving man-titty just sloshing out from the bizarre giant hole he needlessly cut out of his shirt. I guess normal t shirt sleeves are just too constricting for those flabby ham hock old man arms of his. What a fag.