Where's the RANTCAST, you tubby faggot?

30  2019-09-24 by tompetersxyz


That's one of the boomiest boomer things ever written by a boomer on Faceberg.

Step 1: be a massive faggot who people want to fuck with

Step 2: misrepresent your enemies so badly that they want to do it more

Oh, Joe... we'll be mocking you long after your death, you fat shit.


The top of the list of people who don’t want Joe to work is On Joseph Colleen Cumia Jr.

This is the second time he's used the "screaming into a closet" line. I still don't know what the fuck he's thinking.

I think he's describing his and his brother's sexuality.

I thought it was a reference to when he locks children in there until his best friend Jeffrey Hollander can come collect them.

Also a very real possibility.

“Re: Reddit - Specifically, the OnA sub”

Just incase the rest of reddit got confused

Hey Joe, when you doing ur rantcast? & will you take my phone call to address everything you said here? it'll make a great starter for your 'rantcast'.

He won't. That will take 10, maybe 15 minutes of effort to set up.

Bloviating retard. I've never read a full post of his. His head is so far up his own ass.

It's hilarious how totally and completely stupid he is. Literally every single point he tries to make is the insane babbling of a complete retard.

I really don't get how someone raising one or maybe four children can have such disdain for people who aren't from his generation.

He needs to convince himself he's innately superior and special. At least most millennials already hate themselves. Boomers are the most privileged generation in human history and cannot stop congratulating themselves about it.

That’s one of my favorite Joe essays as every second sentence is him desperately tying to align himself with actual successful people. None of them live on welfare like you, fag.

Ant is the poster child for successful baby boomers LMAO

Yeah, being uneducated and entitled and lucking his way into money before blowing it on sex, drugs, and alcohol.

It’s unheard of for people who watch too much tv and who come from broken homes to make it these days

LOL oh Joe you portly delusional tub of shit, don't ever change.

I thought there was a dry spell of getting Joe's gigs cancelled, so I'm glad to hear from Joe that's not the case

How it happened that a couple of HS dropouts were able to capitalize on watching too much TV and being raised in a very, lets just say, unorthodox family... is unheard of today. The way things happened for Anthony and I, that type of opportunity, is no longer available in the world that most millennials are trying to build...

Joe and Anthony are so fucking stupid and out of touch. There are a lot of teenage Twitch gamers that clear hundreds of thousands a year. There are dozens broken home, dropout YouTubers that make more than Anthony.

Millennial's are just jealous because opportunities to make money in entertainment fell off after Anthony and... uh... Joe, cashed in.

You wouldn't be such a "soft target" if you laid off those bacon, egg, and cheeses, Joe. I know it is tough to turn down COMP'D food, but it's bad for your health.

/u/doxxer100 I'd appreciate it if, for once in your life, you could answer some legitimate, direct questions honestly. Because this manifesto is such a garbled mess, but I'm legit trying to understand your complaints herein so I can work on being a better man and O&A Pest. Don't complain about wall of text or autism, this is your trigger warning that one is incoming:

1) How it happened that a couple of one HS dropouts were was able to capitalize on watching too much TV and being raised by...(a prostitute)..is unheard of today...That [sic] type of opportunity, is no longer available in the world that most millennials are trying to build.

  • Are you saying that uneducated people can't make a living as entertainers these days? Like.. for real is that an earnest statement?
  • How many thousands of millennials have made legit lucrative careers off YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, social selling, actual social influencing? Pewdiepie is worth TWENTY TIMES MORE than Anth from filming himself watching others play Mindcraft and has billions of views
  • Anth, liberally, had a max audience of five million, SXM had 32 million subs in 2018, four years after Anth got himself fired, and obvi not everyone is listening to talk radio, let alone entertainment talk radio, let alone Howard or O&A

2) So far, theyve [sic] succeeded in destroying or least greatly diminished [sic] the possibility of any O&A type being part of MSM like terrestrial radio and it pisses the off.

  • What are you actually trying to say here? It seems like there's an actual point but it currently reads as, "the O&A sub is single-handedly responsible for the creation of the FCC, decency standards, and content policing on terrestrial"...

-Are you seriously asserting that, because of the sub, no one will ever be able to play cherry darts, compete in the 50 gallon drum or whiffle ball challenges, bra bombing, on cable TV? You know that "dare shows" still exist, yeah? But you obvi can't rape a girl with a bat on TV like your bro did on radio.

  • Or are you saying that because of the sub, no tell-it-like-it-is talking head will ever be prominent? Cus, idk, Tucker Carlson and Bill Maher and their multi-decade careers would disagree

  • Or are you blaming the wave of Public Correctness, SJWs, and thought police... on the O&A sub? O&A? Or do you realize that even a decade ago O&A were fighting PC culture and we were all on board?

  • Or are you saying "we" guaranteed that, say, Shane Gillis won't be on SNL? Keeping in mind things like Michael Richards' meltdown, Roseanne's "ambien" tweets, Galliano and Gibson's antisemitic rants, Gigi Hadid and Rihanna's Asian racism shared less than an atom of relevance in the O&A-verse

  • What, specifically, has the O&A sub done to destroy the chances of any O&A type being part of MSM when, O&A themselves, were NOT part of the MSM to begin with? We obviously cannot affect the national dialogue or hiring practices at companies.

3) THEY pissed themselves off. Now everyone is a "chip chipperson" [sic] and pretends to be some kind of edgy personality ripped directly from the old show.

  • Chip is NOT edgy.. he's anti-edge and anti-humor.. THAT'S THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT OMFG
  • He is reviled and mocked mercilessly here. Why do you have to distort the truth when there's enough legit shit to throw in our faces? This is why I believe you are a pathological liar genetically incapable of telling the truth.

4) They all try to out-do [sic] each other and act like its their own personal O&A radio show they're doing... - okay.. why does it matter if we play in our little sandbox? It's horrible that we talk about the show in the show sub? So then basketball fans should NEVER talk about basketball in the basketball sub? C'mon, son.

5) They stink on ice, piss and puke all over each other [sic, what a HORRIBLY written sentence] and are basically no more than morons screaming "look [sic] at me!! Look at me!!" into a very small closet...only heard when they bring their posion and venom into the real world to hurt people like me.

  • Animals are venomous, things are poisonous. Using both doesn't make you sound erudite, more like "er..you dunce!" FFAWK YA I'M EDGY AS SHIZNIT AH SHIIIT MOONWALK LIKE A REBEL

  • We're posting O&A stuff in the O&A sub to O&A fans. Sure, that is actually a pretty small closet but where else should we post it?

  • How is this any less gay/stupid/moronic/homoerotic/homosexual than you posting selfies, making barnyard animal noises, or videos of you and several topless, greasy men in bed together to 8 billion people like a "as low as 13-year old" girl any "more heterosexual/manly"? How is that not utterly fucking pointless, cutesy, gay bullshit that Joe, Sr. would punch you for.

6) I don't know how to keep my mouth shut, [sic]...that's the most popular and repeated reason for the hatred that flows from that sewer when I used to give a fuck and kept track of what they said about me.

  • You LIVE here. You reply to user tags in less than a minute. You admitted to us you have filed HUNDREDS of DMCAs. You were busy coercing admins on Friday a couple hours before you pretended to be liberals/real musicians. And here you are, yet again, blatantly lying an easily disproved lie to 'seem cool and disaffected'.

  • Yes, you don't know how to keep your mouth shut. You also have ZERO redeeming qualities and post grandiloquent (that means pompous and bombastic, overblown) nonsense like this that's just cringe as fuck. You also, by your own admission, have made yourself a target on purpose.

7) They want me silenced and unemployable, like Gavin, Milo, etc...

  • Oh, you've made yourself unemployable all on your own. We're not loying awwroite when we send unfakeable backups of your social media accounts calling for the murder of innocent minority youth because you deem them subhuman animals.. that's all you, bro. We are just elucidating who you to those who hire you because you pusillanimously deleted all of it, just like a real man with real conviction. You're a racist AND a pussy, the worst of both worlds.

  • "we" had NOTHING to do with EITHER of those. Yes, we teased the fuck out of Gay Boys but you really think we lobbied the FBI to make them a recognize domestic terrorist organization? If so, you have no idea how the world works

  • Stop comparing yourself to actual 'entertainers' who, love or hate, busted their ass promoting themselves and built their own identity and grassroots following. Gavin doesn't go around saying, "Hi, I'm Vice Gavin and welcome to my show!" Just like "Brother Joe"....

8) That's what happens when you don't stay quiet and fight these fucks. They are disgusting anomous [sic, nig you know what those red squiggles on your text box mean, right?] ghouls.

  • Again, misrepresenting the timeline. We teased you just like we teased EVERY member of the O&A-verse..who in turn teased EVERYONE. YOU took offense to our right to free speech back in 2014-15 when EVERYTHING was "fuck you opie you fucking big tittied talentless leech babyboy faggot" (sound familiar?). WE SHIT ON OPIE AND HIS DISABLED DAUGHTER FOR YEARS.

  • You took umbrage with the teasing, fucked with Fonner, and he got you canceled. So you doxx him and knowingly harassed a known physically and mentally ill man, causing him so much stress his body collapsed. You literally have blood on your hands. Oh, and you CHEERED THE DEATH OF AN INFANT. You want to talk about fucking GHOULS? Doesn't get more depraved than REJOICING at A CHILD'S DEATH, YOU PIECE OF MONUMENTAL SHIT

9) No balls, plenty of internet [sic] savvy and all the time in the world to dedicate themselves to fucking with my livlihood [sic].

  • You said it yourself, if you shut up and leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. You also said it yourself that you refuse to leave it alone and rise above.

  • You JUST said "..when I used to give a fuck and kept track of what they said..", then you said "you don't stay quiet". So which is it? You don't care/check/have shut up on the issue... OR you care IMMENSELY (enough to write multiple manifestos per day), check incessantly, and refuse to STAFU so things return to normal?


You entitle this illiterate rant "specifically the O&A sub"..and then close out by literally refuting everything you just said. You're talking about the whole sub... but wait to the 90% just there for lulz, let me walk it all back and muddy even further. You said, in general, we make memes "in our very small closet" to entertain ourselves. Okay... you are a free speech proponent... who is against free speech when it affects you? Your brother made millions of his free speech that involved targeted harassment of public figures EVERY SINGLE DAY. So it's fine if it's for profit, not if it's for fun? You also JUST stated you know the way to make it stop is to stop letting it affect you and leave it alone. You call us PC, then say we aren't PC. You say we're edgy, then say we're not radical.

"Mentally ill" is probably the only truthful statement in there, but I'm waiting eagerly for your "Rantcast" to hear you expand on that one point.

We're ready for Joe's words of wisdom at r/rantcast

I’m representative of baby boomers, I’m the “soft target” brother of the “poster child”...

You can tell this guy drinks himself stupid before going on Facebook to share these essays because he has all the time in the world to proofread and figure out how to get his points across but still fails spectacularly with these angrily stammered monologues. Does he even have a point he’s trying to communicate or is he just crying about being called a hotdog on some website?

Mooooooo. Fucking idiot.

he wants to have a public life as an entertainer, but he won't take responsibility for all the racist shit he posted online, trying to be edgy or trying to capitalize on his brother's fame. The people on reddit aren't the ones who posted all of this vile shit on twitter, he did.

I literally can't read his diatribes. Like I attempt them then I just cringe and back out of the app. I say without hyperbole that Joe is the stupidest person I know of.

“The way things happened for Anthony and I”

Anthony had the success and you’re his burden. Why you ever made your “pact” public I’ll never comprehend. It’s beyond embarrassing, dude.

I get why you engage here, it’s all you have going on. Personally I come here to laugh but you make it so addictive.

Red Gatorade 4 life

Man, he really is a riot. The extent to which he does not understand this is just mind-boggling.

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MOOO, dumb nigger