Blue Oyster cult fulfills a fat elderly retarded mans dying wish to play with them

17  2019-09-24 by quasi101


That air hug and head pat make me die inside. What a fucking buffoon.

I’m sure Eric Bloom, lead singer for one of the most influential bands in rock history, loved being patted on the head like a child by a fat out of shape gelatinous pedophile that tried to show up his bandmates.

one of the most influential bands in rock history

We try to stick to the facts here and avoid exaggeration, pal.

I Wikipedia’d them and the list of famous bands they influenced was quite large. Either way, they’ve accomplished a lot. A lot more than any Cumia.

We try to stick to the facts here and avoid exaggeration, pal.

Hardly an exaggeration, the BOC invented the laser show and defined high tech stage shows.

The BOC hired Physicist David Infante and together ]invented the laser show]( The wall, the time tunnel, waterfall, ribbons, laser bracelet, laser guitar, were all seen for the first time at a cult show! David Infante also did the lasers at Studio 54 after he had developed the stage show.

Back then, the lasers could scan the crowd. While nobody was ever hurt by the lasers, the US government passed strong restrictions on lasers. So the next time you pick up a laser pointer and see the FDA warning sticker, you have BOC to thank for that. This is why you will never see a show as awesome as the concert back in 1978, because the show was banned!

Every time you see a big stage production, with videos playing, explosions, lasers, smoke, and lasers literally shooting out of the guitar, all played as loud as the law allowed.

The Blue Oyster Cult redefined just how big a show could be!

This video shows the perspective of the day.

The first three BOC albums are genuinely great. After that, not so much. But the worst BOC was still way better than Rotgut ever was.

Man, the new Travolta movie looks embarrassing.