I see Low life leech is claiming victory since I haven't seen the sub in a few. Also a fan wants to join the fun. Click his name on FB and see a budget Danny Ross.

5  2019-09-24 by zombie247


Keith Villanti is a fuckin queer.

He definitely touches kids.

I heard he shits in his wife's mouth and kicks her cunt.

What a jerk!

He has it all figured out.

I'm sure that faggot's dumb idea sounded perfect to Joe. But why infiltrate the sub when we can just summon bovine brain any time we want. Right, u/Doxxer100 stupid?

That faggot guy is really just complimenting us and making fun of Joe at the same time. Hes saying “theres bunch of people who hate you and theyre really successful in doing so. Youre really hateable.”

"Look Daddy Anthony, look what I did! Gimme more money now!" -Welfare Joe

“Find the nest.” Mother fucker this is an insurgency. We’re everywhere, not just one bunker you can carpet bomb.

We literally change nests every day lol.

Bebe's Kids! We don't die, we multiply!

I don't know who this faggot Keith is but if he finds the secret entrance to the Fatcave we're all doomed.

Making another sub, nearly impossible