I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate myself on my upcoming weight loss.

59  2019-09-24 by UnwarrantedArrogance

Anyone can do it, it just takes willpower.


In his mind he's responsible for the success of anyone ever on O and A

This stupid asshole was eating 6 meals a day and shockingly didn’t lose any weight

Fat fucks can’t comprehend that you have to eat less

Ya but those meals were full of whole fatty mayo and ham squares. Mayo is a HEALTH FOOD you LIBTARD!

Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are GOOD for you, REDDITARD

A friend of mine was in the Royal Marines and did a few tours of Afghanistan. For 6 month cycles, him and his buddies would go on patrol all day, every day in 50°c (120°f) heat with 40lbs on their backs plus rifle, ammo etc. The regimental doctor had them all on 8000 calories a day, minimum and they still all lost weight. Fat Tits Joe eats like that, drives everywhere and sits on his arse and wonders why he has a body like a West African matriarch.

Michael Phelps used to consume up to 12,000 calories per day. Now I’m not as active as he is but I’m only 3 inches shorter than him (I’m 6’1) so I knock it back to about 6,000 per day.

I eat LESS than MICHAEL PHELPS, LIBTARD, and look at what GREAT shape HE is in!

Royal Marines? arse? Fucking limey... figures.

What are they like 30yrs old? I’m 60 stupid... Do yourself and your potential offspring a favor and die now. And go to the dentist.

Woah man cause British people have bad teeth right?

Fucking hack

My children are always at school on time and are part of a happy, nuclear family. Also, my wife doesn't write social media posts about what a deadbeat I am, like your ex, you fat bald faggot.

Hi from the Netherlands! We think that it's funny your brother lost a multi-million dollar job over his pathetic boomer twitter addiction too!

Also, I believe that the correct English is "60 and stupid" - an easy mistake to make, anyone can do it.

next you'll be telling him to drink a cup of tea & eat some fish & chips.

mind-blowing premise!

go to the dentist.

Go to the DENTIST and pay in CASH.

If you encounter any turbulence just point to your hat. 😎

Thats something only a gormless cunt would do

Joe, you’re a talentless obese nigger. Take your welfare queen ass off of the internet and go find a job. Music isn’t for you, you’re a mediocre guitarist that thinks he is excellent and nobody in your life has told you that you suck.

Wait but I thought the BOC loved him? They even warned the other guitarist he might be out of a job!

this dumb asshole *LOVES* the attention dosent he

Joe how many deployments did you do?

He had plenty of troops deploying loads on his back.

Fuck off nigger, keep poking the hornets nest so you can continue to act like a bitch victim.
“Please have a heart!!!”

You really do read every, single post, don't you?

hey joe, Opie carries your faggot brother for all of those years. You taking credit is embarrassing. Opie is the reason you have your allowance.

Are you gonna storm off like a flapping great gay anus again before deleting all your comments like a hormonal teenage girl?

Better than being a peace time potato peeler stolen valor faggot. I hope your assisted suicide is COMP'D.

At least they served. No-DD214 having faggot

Show me your tits you greasy beast.

All you gotta do is eat 6 meals a day like a professional athlete all without doing any exercise and the weight will just drop off. Anyone can do it!

Going on an old school diet?

Careful now Joe, at your age, weight and body fat percentage there is a very high risk of a heart attack. Don't get too worked up, we don't need the state paying for your funeral just yet.

Joe is always bulking up for the Ruby Classic. Hes just in Hindenberg mode.


Moo Tits read some article about some retarded fad diet scheme and decided it'd work so well he could start gloating about his weight loss before he started. What an imbecile.