Fuck guys we gotta watch out, I hear from Joe's friend that "The Terminator doesn't stop until there all gone!"

26  2019-09-24 by SpiralStatic90


Like is everyone in his social circle as retarded as he is? I'd imagine they'd have to be in order to associate with him.

Imagine living vicariously through Moo Cumia, Jesus Christ

I do love the accurate breast proportions tho.

They're all lower class Long Island garbage like him so yes.

Middle aged men from Long Island have to be my least favorite people in the world. A close second would be middle aged men from anywhere else in the Northeast US.

They can turn anything cool into something unbearably lame just by talking about it.

A bunch of phony tough faggots who constantly reassure each other that they're intimidating in their sleeveless flab showcase shirts

Low T-800.

Come with me if you want to leech.

I'll be black.

Hasta la vista, Layla. (because I've stopped paying my child support and they're taking you away).


"there" what a fucking idiot lol

I stopped making that mistake in 5th grade. How embarrassing is it that we have to share a country with these retards?

That picture wasn't photoshopped- that's literally Joe taking a selfie at the Big Apple Ranch last Halloween as on of the Village People.

I'll be barebacked

Where all gone?

We past

Can you imagine being a 50-60 year old man, rooting for another geriatric man for a “victory” in a retarded internet troll battle?

The level of retardedness here runs pretty deep but I can’t imagine publicly posting, excited when a Cumio twitter gets banned for friends, family and coworkers to see and be under the delusion that they think I shouldn’t be immediately committed.

I think you underestimate how little these dunces have going on in their lives

Just a drunken elderly goombah hoping to stay on Tubby's good side so he can glom a free beer at the next Rotgut gig.

Just give me an address, that’s I’ll all say publicly.

Oh shit, now we're done.

Joe doesn't give a shit about his 'friends', he knows it's ill-advised to engage us. I think he secretly wants his friends to feel our ire so he's less alone, but we shouldn't take the bait (even tho my 1st instinct is to give them a quick life-upside-downing). In fact, it might be a good idea to help Joe's friends in any way possible, to show that we're fair, balanced, & merciful.

Nigger Joe’s friends are strictly morbidly obese Long Island trash. Nobody else can stand his constant mooching and his addiction to child saliva.

Another goatee wearing 65 year old lot lizard.

Most people his age have a Facebook profile full of birthday wishes, a few pics, a complaint about the potholes on Main Street and some shit about their kids. Uncle Udders is explaining how a bunch of retards on Reddit are bothering him. It's too funny for words.