
1  2019-09-24 by Sergeant_Joseph_Spud

We’re not “hating” on the “Cumia clan”, you 60-year-old 14-year-old. Yes it true that joke around and post mean things about you, but you are also legitimately the most fucked up group of people I’ve ever seen.


You and your brother portray yourselves as a public figures.

Your brother Anthony Cumia is an actual woman beater.

You are an actual woman beater.

Your ex-wife accused you of being mentally ill, delusional and hitting her in the face with a skillet.

Your brother Anthony Cumia is an actual pedophile who enjoys having sexual intercourse with underage girls. He has admitted this.

You are guilty of aiding and abetting.

You are obese.

You are ugly.

Your girlfriend is ugly.

Anthony’s ex-wife is ugly.

You are stupid.

You are blatantly racist and then claim you’re not.

You’re dumb.

You allowed convicted child-rapist Jeffrey Hollander, into your house and around your prepubescent daughter.

You are a sick man.

You belong in Rikers.

You are an actual, legitimate piece of shit.

Anthony is one of the ugliest men I’ve ever seen.

Anthony is almost 60 y.o. and has to trick white-trash teenagers into having sex with him. This has been proven and we have the evidence.

Your mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and you and Anthony put her in a home and ignored her for five years, all the way until her death.

Your mother was a literal whore who fucked men for drugs and money.

Your father was a piece of shit con-man.

Dawn is okay.

You are an admitted crook.

You literally said there was nothing wrong with watching child porn.

You’re gonna die soon and we control your legacy.


By no means is this list exhaustive.

Don't forget, revenged porn'd a nationally famous Judge. Class act all the way.