When Anthony dies, if anyone remembers him at all, their reaction will be "Good Riddance"

17  2019-09-24 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

Nice legacy, stupid.


His whore mother probably got a better send-off than he will.

Former radio shock-jock sidekick Anthony Cumia was found dead today in his Long Island home. He was of indeterminate age. Police were notified after concerned lackeys reported that he hadn't tweeted in several hours. Once a moderately popular sidekick to radio legend Opie Hughes, Cumia was fired after a bizarre tweeting spree and spent the last several years doing nothing especially noteworthy.

Dave Landau will throw himself in front of the L train, Slow Moomia will have to sell all his things.

That’s not true.

The "(name) from (location)" mafia will be bummed out that they’ll never see another Compound poker party.