Joe went into debt to create The Joe GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION Cumia Show

12  2019-09-23 by The-Cumia-Prance

Turns out Wackbag is full of fun information.

"The Joseph Cumia Show Thread starterJoe Pietaro
Start dateSep 28, 2014 Not open for further replies.

Joe Pietaro Registered User Sep 28, 2014#1

Brother Joe will be re-launching his weekly video podcast soon and it will be broadcasted from a totally new studio (well, room - but after a shitload of construction, green screen, etc. and installation of new equipment). Yes, he will still be doing recaps of Ant's show but new original segments and interviews either live, Skype or telephone with celebrities are on the docket, as Denny would say.

Viewing will not cost you guys a dime and the official website is also being created.

Since this is going to put Brother Joe and I in debt, we started an IndieGoGo (Kickstarter-like) campaign to hopefully recoup a few bucks for a bottle of Jameson.

So I will give updates on these boards and we will be posting a lot of news on our Twitter page. Here are the links:

IndiGoGo Campaign:


Official Site (Coming Soon):

Thanks, -Joe Pietaro, Executive Producer"

The first reply is an image that says "Who Fucking Cares?"


Construction, green screen and equipment??

What a fucking doofus. Does he have any idea how many podcasts there are that are way more successful than his brother's and use nothing but a damn microphone and some software.

Neither one of the homosexual Cumias figured out that no one wants to see their faces.

You gotta spend money to make money.

Ha Ha Holy Shit, Joe did recaps of Anthony's Compound Media show?

Way to go, Joe. Your stupidity never fails to find a way to take something awful and make it even worse.

I really can't understand why he wasn't more successful with such high demand content as that.

"So so so so, Anth talked about Black crime stats again today. Ya'know this is something that we as patriots just gotta keep harping on until the libtards get it through their skulls.

Ohhh, and did you guys catch that awesome Columbo reference he made at the end there? Pretty cool."

Well at $10,000 a show or whatever his gofundme was set to...

$1000 an ep redditard

TIL Joe did recaps of Anth's show

Interviews......with david duke

I think I found his website

And what a massive failure it was. LMAO at "recapping ants show", nobody even gives a fuck to even watch ants show.


It’s okay to use leverage for an investment like this. They probably got their money back day 1.

Shut up Joe


I always interpreted that as a lie to get people to donate to the indiegogo. He was buying a mic and painting a wall green.

Recaps of Nana's show?? Just say "hahaHAholeeeeshit!" two hundred times and you're done.

Read the 2014 comments in the wackbag page. Every single one is like who gives a fuck?!? This was almost six years ago!

Has he ever done anything that would indicate any wisp of original talent? He's been a leech his entire life