So are the Cumias doing this because they think we will get sick of starting and looking for a new sub and our numbers will drop?

5  2019-09-23 by BroadwayDannyRoss


No, it's 3rd party autists who just want to see the world burn.

the cumias are not the masterminds (obviously), but bovine brains has literally said this. He said that we are losing numbers each time and thats 1 less person to fuck with him. Even though we hav eno effect on their lives.

It sounds good in theory but there's 263 people here right now. If just one of them bought FatPat's latest book his sales would double for the month. That's the kind of difference we can make.

Joe has plenty of help from the 100+ alt having psychopaths.

I believe it's Patso. Remember when he got a ton of new followers that time? Elephants don't forget. Now he's employed those same dot-headed gentlemen to use against us.

One of Anthony's devoted ballwashers "Steve From Bayshore" allegedly admitted he's paying to have subs brigaded with reports and shut down. Someone pretending to be friendly with him chatted with him on Twitter about it.

"Steve From Bayshore" allegedly admitted he's paying to have subs brigaded

'brigading' is very wrong. Steve from wherever (noone cares) is now banned from the internet.