Perfect for when you want to tell everyone you're a huge faggot.

30  2019-09-23 by Vawsh


The day I run into anyone wearing one of these will be the day I just accept spending the rest of my life in prison.

Just remember, what would Benoit do?

Put a Bowflex over?


What an unorginal phony those are other designs of t-shirts with his shitty wannabe catchphrases on them.

I don't see how he has an audience for his gay ass podcast, over an hour of watching this insufferable cunt drone on about wrestling. I get there's probably an audience for that but how is this fuzzy fucking nerd an authority on it with his own 'show'?

Because if going to spend $20 plus s&h on anything its going to be a shitty drawing of an ugly talk radio host with the word "haps" on it. Fucking australopithecus mongoloid faggot.

He's trying to corner the lucrative "gifts for people you hate" market

Shirts for when you absolutely do not want to get laid under any circumstances

Makes a good cumrag

It sure would be a shame if someone bought one and made a video of themselves shitting all over it. A loose, sputtering shit.

Fuck that, I'm not trying to buy this faggot more chicken tendies

Just get a copy made & delivered by sending $0.99 to China

Chinese goods are intriguing, it costs more than $0.99 to send an item local, but can get something sent from China for that including product & postage!

We could probably collectively pay Joe enough money to show one up Carol's leaky rotten cunt. Damage done.

These shirts should just say "bully me"

I love how he still thinks he has hair

That whole "Not blank" thing is one of the most retarded things I've ever seen.

"Not Shoes" get it? Because they ARE shoes! "Not Sam" wait a minute, he IS Sam! Yuck. This mutant doesn't get enough shit. We should get him fired.

The fact that Sam views himself as a brand is so intellectually dishonest it could give one a stroke


Is Sam moving more product than Fatrick?

How many of these do you think have ever actually sold? I imagine they have to be print-on-demand, so hopefully no resources have been needlessly wasted in pre-printing this horseshit.

I seriously cant imagine more than 2 or 3 of these being sold, and thats taking into account all the absolute fucking retards there are on the internet. Its actually funny to think about.

People who wear any of these also wear those automatic chairs.

Never had an original idea.

Jesus Christ. Anyone who actually paid for any of this garbage should suck start a shotgun

And I thought Opie's merchandise was embarrassing.

He really doesn’t understand the difference between being a ‘heel’ and being an actual asshole whom no one likes.

I mean I don’t watch wrestling but it’s basically fiction. It’s a stage play. And plays have antagonists, because every story needs an antagonist.

Sam thinks he’s the guy who is supplying the role of the antagonist but no, he’s a genuine, real life obnoxious prick who mistreats people, has shitty opinions (that he honestly believes) and is just maladjusted and unlikeable.

Darth Vader is an antagonist but he doesn’t have a subreddit filled with people who genuinely hate him.

Yeah so “boo the bad guy” Sam. You’re not a bad guy though, you’re just a real life piece of shit.

God damn, he's so fucking corny. He really thinks this shit is funny?