Faggotry is abound

6  2019-09-23 by adminsarefags69

Got this message recently

We're being framed.


I cant read it. (On mobile). What does it say?

Says my account got suspended from reddit for participating in a vote brigade. The suspension will last 7days


Automated message - can't even defend yourself.

Got this message after the sub got banned and I didn't even participate in that one.

The great purge is among us. They want us all in obscurity

Someone said that that faggot mod with admin connections is behind this because johnnycakes told him to take a hike 20 subs ago. I'm starting to believe it.

The Tranny?

I just remember johnnycakes sharing screenshots of him acting high and mighty demanding johnny to ban some users for alleged brigading. Don't remember what sub he moderates but people mentioned he has admin connections.

Its \u\mytransaccountv1 I believe (i didnt link it on purpose). It just got its cock chopped off the other week.

Doesn't ring a bell tbh.

Its the one that put the original backup sub on r\HateSubReddits or whatever and attempted to get us banned. It also tried to take over mod powers of Scorch and O&A OG sub. Look at his account. He gets off on banning subreddits. It also does NOT pass as a girl like our sweet Sue Lightening does. Its a man in a dress with a boner for banning subs.

This just confirms my hypothesis that faggotry is indeed abound.

What is it with trannies and the Coon brothers acting so uppity all the time. Relax and take a refreshing sip of child spit.

What Reddit is doing is just straight up scratching an itch and spreading the problem. Viva la autism.

Good gravy check out the cans on that old gash in the gay af advertisements. I think I need new trousers.