It just happened again. I was in the middle of a terry Clifford poem.

30  2019-08-27 by Persianschlong

God damn fucking faggot cocksuckers


Joe cumia drinks the spit of local children.


Why is the OpieNAnthony Site gone???


That’s the only thing I found.

I was referring to the other one that went completely psychotic with the owner himself shutting it down, but leaving the homepage to redirect users to the currently active sub.

I’m starting to think we should start r/ichise

That’s banned. Could just go to Jim and Sams.

I'll update mine when we decide on a spot.


I'm ovah here: r/opie_anthony

i was working havn't had time to update it. I mean worthless is a bit harsh. I'll update it when we decide on a spot.

The origunal O&A sub has a Twitter account. Once someone rembers the user name, I'd look to there.

What’s new spot?

Roses are red,

Joe's a faggot.

Just happened new one hasnt been made yet

i'll update the archives when we decide on a spot.

I'm gonna drink a 1/2 pint of 151, jerk off, then check back.
Don't you motherfuckers leave me at the station. I want to be apart of duh road trip faggots

Let me jerk you off and you have a deal.

I can't wait to read all the "FUCK, where is my sub" posts

I fucking hate Joseph Collen Cumia. Fat, dumb, lazy, ugly, child spit chugging faggot.

Reddit is such a fag site. Rather than address felony DMCA abuse they opt to just shut it down.

It’s over Johnny

Does Joe really want us to set up permanent shop in a place outside of reddit where we would have no real oversight and where we would be free to do whatever we wanted. What is his end goal exactly? Does he think everyone is simply going to go, "oh well I guess that's over now and Joe wins". Honestly there would be a number of people that may have done just that if Joe hadn't sent them off with a renewed sense of purpose.

To be honest a small part of me is beginning to feel a little bit bad for him. Just coming to the realization that he has spent countless hours filling out literally hundreds of cease and desists day after day, is honestly kind of depressing. It's just so pathetic and embarrassing. The main thing though is fully realizing just how stupid Joe truly is. I love to laugh at stupid people, but when you get to a certain level of stupidity it starts to become less funny and begins to just feel pointlessly cruel. At first I didn't think Joe belonged to the group that contained the legitimate retards, but now I'm starting to question that. I'm not even trying to be funny here. I think Joe might very legitimately be mentally challenged. You know in like the official sense. He's too stupid to defend himself. He's literally too stupid to understand that engaging with the sub less results in getting fucked with less. When the last sub went up after the last banning almost every post was Joe related. Everyone thought they were giving Joe an extremely obvious and blatant message, but based on his messages to the mods, that shit went right over Joe's head. The James Hefner thing seems to have really gotten him worked up. The messages he has sent out since that came to light, all seem more aggressive and angrier than normal. The amazing thing of course is that we only found that out because of Joe's own endless stupidity. Joe's stupidity is so incredible that it will force Joe in to fucking himself over and making an ass out of himself even if it takes making him do extra unnecessary work.