Whats the plan guys, does every/anyone know where to go?

3  2019-08-16 by Dr-Seepage

Fucking Joe


This is a heavy blow, I’ve been scouting the subs do you remember that one that had like a Jesus theme? Why don’t we all just raid cumtown

Onaxyz is the new spot

Fucking gentleman and a scholar you are sir

Oh thank you thank you thank you

Not you


Reddit search: Joe Cumia he is our north star.

What the fuck happened?!

Joe dmcad the place to bits. Were already setting up the stalls in the new place. Its all good. We really need to focus on joes career now

We need a place to coordinate information, maybe or maybe not on reddit. I have a few ideas of where to hit and would happily help others.

I thought our meeting spot was the opie and Anthony website forum that one dude made