All hail the Brothaman

12  2019-06-21 by TamaInoino


Treat yourself

He's a dopey hack that couldn't and can't hold a show on his own.

Print this post out and choke on it

Your hero, Nana, had to hire Dave Landau (who??) and junkie Artie Lange because he is incapable of doing a solo show. Your criticism is incorrect and pathetic. Go away, nobody likes a boot licker.

Drive to the nearest bridge and jump you no humor douche

Haha. I'm in your head. You've gone out of your way to comment on all my posts. Go away little girl. You're an embarrassing yourself

Not my hero but he is a funny motherfucker. Maybe you should enjoy something funny in your life instead of being a miserable cunt. See I'm not a triggered little douche like you, I don't even line up with him politically but I don't let that affect what I think is funny