Why do people from this sub always DM me racial slurs?

5  2017-06-14 by turnthemaround

You guys need to grow up. People keep messaging me the n-w**d and linking to this sub and saying "Opie #1".


Shut up you Opie-loving nigger.

you should go give opie a heart on his twitter account, jimmy...it might help (laughs out loud)

when opie and anthony finally parted ways, this is what's left. the opie rado twitter feed averages about 4 hearts on their posts, the stern show averages 150+...opie can't do it on his own because he needs anthony in the back-and-forth, which is why they were extremely successful and why both became millionaires. But unfortunately, that formula doesn't work when they host separately on their own shows. So now you have two guys who have a little disposable income but have no identity in the public eye anymore, while howard continues to soldier on...that's why they bash him(he's a solo artist and they're not)....opie is not opie without anthony and vice versa...i can't listen to opie on his solo show for very long without becoming annoyed by his voice inflections and the same goes for cumia...i need them both interrupting each other to keep the dynamic flow of their audio to be palatable. i still go back and listen to the old O&I shows. Jimmy was perfect too with the ope because he is absolutely hilarious pretty much continously...then he left...hmmm.........sorry op....4 hearts on your twitter posts is less than my grandma gets on a daily basis. maybe it's time to hang it up. at least anthony went the whole nine yards with the look of a tv personality with his huge backdrop and lcd screen...but he still needs you next to him to balance things out...anyway..sad for you both...not worth fighting stern hall it just looks even more desperate. seacrest out

i saw you in another thread, hope your day is going great

head on over to the opie radio twitter feed and spot him a heart or two....cumia as well if you hsve time...thx...so sorry for these guys..they were GREAT together

We learned it from Opie.