Opie is a....

3  2015-06-23 by AntsCamera

Hero, god, philosopher, funny, cuckold, comedy god, Game of Thrones watcher..

Share your favorite adjectives for our noble Opie. I look forward to nothing but love.


Opie is just a regular guy who likes to be real and discuss current events, like the kind of stuff you'd read in People magazine. Just a regular guy.

Opie is a medium-sized, large breasted mammal belonging to the families Megalonychidae (two-toed sloth) and Bradypodidae (three-toed sloth). Classified as part of the order "cuckold" this species is particularly known for its pathological lying, illiteracy, and remarkable lack of talent.

Did someone mention sloths? Here's a random fact!

Sloths are the worlds slowest digesting mammal, only defecating once a week!

He reminds me of this hilarious young buck that's new on the job site. One time he pointed to the end of his drill and said "that's the bit!" Me and the fellas had a good laugh and got back to work.

opies just an all around class act. i wake up in the morning and its like hey,this guy whos just like me is talking through my radio, sweet deal. hope he keeps up the good work

Down vote. Opie has admitted he doesn't watch Game of Thrones.

"I got kids, I don't have taiiiiiime to watch TV."

a Funny MoFo

Cutie Pie!right gurlz?