I genuinely love you autistic fucking monsters.

1  2019-05-25 by Tashter

Thanks for being so resilient.

Also, Patrick S. Macfatlane is a child molesting tranny.


Wanna come over and drink some Natty Ice's with me?

I would love to.

Sorry bro, "Autistic Monsters" is a franchise term owned by Lady Gaga, it's what she calls HER fan base....

We're Autistic Furries, instead.

He's trying to get the new sub shut down. More copyright bullshit

What do you mean by love? you mean consensual, unrelegated love?
You see, love is a tricky term. some people can say that it is natural, others say that it is a manufactured fiction from biological hormones. harnessing this power if something that I have never personally felt, and honestly can't relate to the very term. What is love? something so abstract that even a young man who has been laid thrice fails to understand? Maybe it is the be all end all, or perhaps it is one of life's greatest pleasures. I for one, know that love is a boat I am unable to row.

Wanna fool around or somethin?

I, too, am quite fond of the people who lurk in this oubliette for the forsaken.

Is he really transgendered? I didn't know that