Anthony and Joe tried for years to take the original sub down to no avail. Ant even put a 5,000 dollar bounty on the sub and it didn't work. But some fat amateur author took it down in months.

1  2019-05-25 by Naga_Nooch

How does that feel fucker?!


Patrick was smart enough to claim DMCA infringement or whatever the fuck. Anthony and Joe are dumb guineas from Long Island who thought they could throw money at the problem. It's not that hard to believe.

Dont give nana and bovine any ideas

I was thinking the same thing earlier. What's crazier is the fat idiot took down two of our subs. Anthony couldn't even do the one with money in hand.

That's how ugly and unliked Anthony is.

That's not what happened. SpaceEdge betrayed us so we had a mass exodus. Pat only gets partial credit for the second sub takedown along with Jay Mohrse, Logan Lynn and fat Joe Cumia all filing false reports and generally acting gay.

Jatrick was the reason why SpaceEdge lost his mind in the first place, because he wasn't "in the know." Therefore Jatrick is the one responsible more or less.

The point is, Anthony even with his money, couldn't get it done. it's because he's ugly and not liked

Well we're just going to have to agree to disagree due to your incorrect opinion

Joe has nothing to do with it. It was a combination of brigading and mod on mod sass. And don't credit that fat sci-fi cunt. Admins can't stand the cunt